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     Madeline's (P.O.V)

Mom just now went to bed so she'll be rested for her night shift as a nurse. What I don't understand is that how mom still haven't notice Sam's constant absent around the house. Sammy is aloud to leave the house if he want the guys eighteen. But it should make a person a little suspicious though. I guess I wouldn't really notice either if I was always to busy.

I hope Sam well be ok though. He made me pinkie swear on something even Nila don't even know about. I'm planning on not telling and just letting Sam deal with it. I mean he can't hide this forever. I got his back and I know I'm six but that's what family do though. He did a huge thing for me when he save me from a guy that was about to rape me.

It was terrifying that day. Some guy that was twice my size came and grabbed me from behind while I was walking back home from school. The stranger had carried me to his car. I scream and shout but there was no one around. Trying my best to fight him off, my thoughts were rushing through my head of what he'll do and if I'll ever see my family again. Finally when I least expect it, Sammy came out of no where, beat the guy half bloody and carried me far away. He try to calm me down from my crying. After what had happen he told me that if someone was bothering me then I was to tell him and he'll handle it. Since that day I loved Sammy sooo much. He was my protector. My shield from the bad in this world. He had a special place in my heart where he shares with Nila. If something were to happen to Sam leading him to dead, I will have no protector. No shield to shield me from the bad. Nobody to fill up the now empty space in my heart that's probably going to collect dust.

Heartbreaking as it sounds, but I don't think I'll make it in this world without Sam by my side. He's everything I ask for as a brother and I don't want to lose him now. If only Sam could hear my thoughts now. Sam is unique, brave, clever and cunning.

     Sammy's (P.O.V)

Right now I'm at Three Range's crib. Three Range is the main man for the True gang. Me and my boys, Montague and Tyrone are ready to go make our daily selling of drugs.

Everything was simple. We drive around the hood and sell to the niqqas that wait out that we usually sell to. New people you selling to, you got to question them. If someone tries to steal your stuff, shoot 'em. The person was bound to kill you soon anyways and was probable in a gang.

To be honest I was scared at first. Hearing the rumors that new comers never make it pass a month because they end up dead. After a while I stopped my worrying, anyways I'm those types where I'm supper careful so I'll be fine. Though on the other hand, if mom finds out, I'm a dead man. I was just doing all this for recognition and the money. No one will ever stoop to my level. A niqqa gonna think twice before starting something with me. I knew if something would have happen, then Montague, Tyrone and Three Range will always have my back.

We took our usual routes without any problems. We finish with about three hundred dollars with some blunts, weed and other illegal drugs left over. Heading back to the crib where Three Range was waiting for us, Montague handed the money. He nodded and showed his respect by handing us some money back.

As cool as all this is to me I needed to face the music sooner or later about telling mom. Maybe if I could keep this up I'll tell her how this will help us all and she might not be to mad at me. Shit, she could quit one of her jobs since I'm making money. Mom will stop having pain with her back because quite frankly, she only thirty six and shouldn't have any problems with her back in her age. Hustling in these streets is worth it in the end. I didn't want to lose this. Its not like it mattered anyways I can't back out now. I'll figure out the situation later, I told myself as I shrug off the though.

     Madeline's (P.O.V)

I was getting real tired of playing with my dolls and there was no one to play with. I toss and turn in my bed of boredom. Trying to figure out what to do, I just went into Nila's room and grabbed the pictures she takes so much of our family, off her desk. Going through them, there was one photo of Sam and Nila younger. Also, mom and Martin were in the picture too. They all were at the beach looking like there having the best time of there life. I smiled at the joy on there faces.

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