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   Roc Royal's (P.O.V)

Laying back on the coach, I was watching a movie that was on in BET and didn't even know the name of. A minute went by till some reminder pops on to the screen. It read Bad Girls Club at eight. I just ignored it and selected ok.

I needed to lay back and enjoy myself before my girlfriend Dalila, come to see me here then later when we meet up at L.A. There, I would have to deal with her forever.

I winced at the thought as it boggles my mind like it was a ball in a pin ball machine. Now my mind was set on Pan. She's cute, funny and smart, especially when I took her to get ice cream. I was willing to pay for both but she made it free by slipping on ice cream she drop on the floor on purpose. Of coarse the manager wasn't going to care but he change expressions when she said she was pregnant. We was both laughing when we left.

I smiled at the thought but it quickly faded when Keasha came in the suite yanking Prince and Ray by the arm. They were wearing gym shorts.

"We're having a meeting and yall three can stay put." Keasha looked around the room for  I'm guessing Prod. "Where's Prodigy at?"

"I think in his room," I answered.

"Prodigy hurry up and get out here, we got a meeting!"

Prodigy walk into the living room where the rest of us was and I had to point out how he's all dressy.

"Why you all dressed up for?" I mutter.

"No reason just going out," Prod answered.

"Okay, to the meeting. We are going to--"

"Hmm, its been a while since we had an MB meeting," Prince put out cutting off Keasha.

"We don't call it MB meetings idiot," Ray protested.

Before an argument starts Keasha threw her arm out to stop it. "Ehh, before you two continue on to a fight I need to be finish here!" She cut her eyes at both of them before continuing. "We are going to be--"

Prince sneezed and Ray had to say something.

"Ew! You couldn't have sneezed on your arm?!?" he says jerking back.

"Just shutup so she can finish. I want to leave soon enough to finish our game and beat you."

Ray made an intimidating face." But the game is to 6 to 14."

"But I scored a three some earlier."

"Its a three pointer."

"Then whats a three some?"

"I'll tell you when your older and less stupid."

"I don't have to wait, I'm grown, I could just ask Siri."

"Are you done!?!" Keasha asks soon making the room silent again. "Thank you. We are going to be in New York for a little while longer because our schedule is all over the place. So I guess that means more time for you"

We all cheered from the great news. I was so happy hearing it, that it ease my worrying more from before.

Keasha was about to leave till I stopped her and told her that her reminder of Bad Girls Club that will be on in eight.

"Sweety, I don't watch TV," she said then waving me away.

I probable looked puzzled right now but no one stayed around any longer to bring me out of my bewilderment. I just dropped it and went on with my business.

After the movie I called Pan over to hang with me. I waist no time on getting my self ready by a quick shower, put on nice cloths, some body cologne and fix my hair a little. When I was done I stood there admiring my reflection and ask; why you, Chresanto August, such a sexy beast?

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now