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Two weeks have passed since the date. I was on good terms with Ray and everyone else. I no longer have a deep hatred for MB. When I started hanging out with them more I learned that there not so bad of people. I was over my head what I saw in the hospital, thinking that there uncaring ignorant teenage boys.

The day Ray introduce me to Prodigy, Roc Royal and Princeton, even though I already met Prince, I was calm and cool about it. To only be fair I did the same with Pandela. Pan was out right fan girling, especially with Roc or shall we say her so called future husband.

Me and Ray been hanging out a lot but only as friends. I could never bring up the though of me being in love with Ray or him loving or even having a slight of liking towards me that way. When I pictured me and Ray a couple it just end up making me gag. The only one that though other wise was Prince. I mean Ray is cute, sweet, fun and funny but I never saw him more then a friend, maybe even close friends, but that's it, no more no less.

Prince kept going on and on about us being a good couple and when the day comes, we'll finally notice. Boy sounded like he was a fortune cookie. He pointed out the things me and Ray had in common. And coincidentally, there was a lot.

I was still unconvinced. How could a girl that's sixteen go out with an older boy like Ray. Like come on, he's four years older then me. I wouldn't be to comfortable making out with a boy that's four years older then me. And Ray can try way better then me, he's a great guy.

Right now I'm at home in the kitchen table playing with a jigsaw puzzle. There's about three hundred and I ask mom and Madd if they wanted to join because I don't think I could finish it all in one day all by myself. Also, this would be a nice way to have those family bondings mom always mentioned but never got around to. To bad Sam wasn't here though.

Madd was happily to join and mom wasn't busy so she played along too.

For about an hour we was talking, laughing and enjoying our selves. Mom was telling stories about when she was young and what she did with her siblings.

Half of the time we spent, mom would be all sweet and the other half she'd be crazy and weird but in a fun way. She started talking all old and ancient on purpose to lighten up the mood. She would start her stories with 'well back in my day' or 'it was 1982, in a sweet November night...' Which would make me and Madd give a grimace expression towards her. In the end of all this randomness we would start laughing. I love my mom, she was such a hipster.

Then I started wishing Sammy was really here. He would be enjoying these precious moments this family is having. I wonder where that kid is. Probable at that that dumb gang. I still cant believe that he's in a gang and most importantly, the True gang. I've heard rumors about it. You get top notch street cred if you last for at least a month in the True gang. Usually new comers get shot, stabbed or beating up to death. This was not a good idea of Sam being apart of that. I'm not ready to lose my brother. Sure he can be annoying some times but I show the out most respect and love for him. Believe me, nothing on earth will change that.

I was sitting hear worried and Madd notice so she gave me a worried look. I responded back by giving her a reassuring look showing I was ok to ease her worrying but deep down inside I was defiantly not ok. Then I felt a vibration in the back of my pocket. I pulled out my phone and the caller ID picture showed that it was Ray calling.

I excused my self then went to the bathroom to talk to him in private. I picked it up.

           *Phone Convo*

Nila: Hey Ray, wassup?

Ray: Nun just wanted to ask if you want to come over and chill

Nila: Ok, sure

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now