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Pandela's (P.O.V)

I lay on my bed in discomfort as I rest on my right side. My left might feel more comfortable, but I just didn't have the energy to move. I could be at school today, but I'm in bed trying to battle this fever. A headache pounders my head, a soar throat is killing me and uncontrollable sweating could fill a swimming pool, but I had worst things to fight off and its depression. I can't stop thinking about Roc which gives me more of a headache.

Three days have passed since I've heard from him. I've been having this fever for two days but it feels longer ever since Roc stopped talking to me.

I try to call Harold but stop because its no use with my raspy voice. He's far downstairs and can't here a sound coming from me. He left a bell on my night stand for me. Whats the point, I'm to weak to reach it. I yawned then looked over to my bathroom where the door lay ajar and I could see the nose tube cunnal hang on the edge of the sink counter. Goosebumps merge up my skin. It reminded me of the hospital. A cold hard metal lonely place full of injured or sick people. My head started to spin and I looked away from the bathroom. I fell into deep sleep just forgetting it all.

2 days later

I flop around in bed then kick the sheets off me. The damp heat my body was producing was kept under the sheets. It feels like I was in the position of a turkey being roasted in an oven for Thanksgiving. I flop on my side once more as I yank my eyes open. It was dark out. Letting out a sigh, I roll on my back and looked at the ceiling. It was dark but not hard to see the popcorn ceiling. Far to many for me to count. Each one came in there own shape. one was shape as an ice cream in a cone and another appear to be a thumbs up. I smiled as I study as many before drifting to sleep again.

Roc Royal's (P.O.V)

Sitting back on a chair, I watch Dalila take pictures of her friends lawn. He invited her to his pool party and she brought me along. And like always she's strolling around taking picture's and not noticing me.

I don't know who this guy is but I really don't care. They could be secretly engaged and planning on having the rest of their lifes in Switzerland with four kids. Actually, that would be the best thing I've ever heard.

Stealing a sip from my drink, I observed the other guests that was here, including Ray, Prod, Prince, Re Re and Nila. They were having a good time. Why can't I? I pull out my phone and notice no calls or texts from Pan. Great she must be real mad at me. Its been five days since hearing from her. I know I did her dirty, played her but I still like her--no, love her. I need to make things right between us again.

Pandela's (P.O.V)

I stare at my reflexion through the mirror when I was done getting ready for dinner. Harold told me Marie and John will be here for dinner tonight. He was excited because he have dinner planned out. He must be excited that their here. I shrug at the thought of Maria and John coming home tonight its not like its anything special.

I slid on some bracelets just for the fun of it. When reaching for the third one my hand intercepted with the nose tube. I yanked my hand away as I remebered that it needed to be back on, announced by my doctor. Before leaving they prescribe me with some medicine which I gladly bought and took at CVS. For the nose cunnal, I refuse to put it on. I know Harold is going to force me but I hate it.

It makes me look different.

Someone knocked at my door and I quickly toss my cunnal in the tub. Facing the door not trying to look suspicious, Harold came in.

"Miss Pandela Mrs. Maria and Sir John have arrived. Are you all washed up?" Harold asked, standing at the door.

"Not yet but I'll be down soon," I said.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now