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  Prodigy's (P.O.V)

Nila's lips were so nice against mine as we make out. Her lips taste like pina colade from probable her lipstick and chocolate from the brownie she ate. 

We were at the movie theater, making out while the movie was playing. Nila wanted to watch some movie called The Theory of Everything but end up sharing tongue with me. I didn't wanted us to be seen as the awkward couple that kisses all the time, especially through a movie. So we sat all the way in the back.

After the movie we went back to the suite. I went to the fridge to go get something to eat. I took some grapes and came back to the living room where Nila and Ray was.

"What do you want? Cant you see I'm trying to spend time with my girl?" I said wondering what he doing now.

Ray wiggled his eyebrows. "Hey, I'm part of this relationship too. How you gonna go on a date but not bring me along!?!" he cross his arm.

I threw some grapes at him. "Boy get out of here!"

He dodge the grapes and ran to his room laughing. We need to get him a girlfriend so maybe he can act a little more mature. I sat beside Nila and offer some grapes to her.

"Sure, I'll have some." I fed her some as we cuddle up on the coach.

"Imma really miss this," Nila sigh.

"What you mean?" I ask facing her.

"You're on tour and going to leave soon." 

"But I told you that were staying a little bit longer."

"Exactly, a little bit meaning you're not going to stay much longer and I don't do long distance relationships."

"Then I guess were going to have to make this last." With that said, I got up and lift Nila bridal style off the coach to my room. 

There I settle her on my bed. I lay beside her staring into her almond eyes. Bringing my hand up I push the loose hair that was on her face to the back of her ear.

"So you want me to tell more about myself or you wanna do the honers?" I cooed.

She daze into my eyes for a while before responding. "Tell me a story," she cooed back.

I chuckled. "Umm, okay," I search for a story to tell before beginning. Nila got comfortable, laying her head on my shoulder.

"I had a cousin name Ruthshana but everyone called her Shasho. She was my favorite cousin because...I don't know, we relate. She always use to tell me her problems all the time. One time she had complain to me about her boyfriend. It was about an argument and like always I listened. I met him before and I never liked him..." I clear my throat.

"Weeks later I notice she been doing some crazy things. I'm talking about stealing, smoking and swearing at everyone and her boyfriend was with her for it all. One day I finally confronted Shasho to stop all this but she was so naive, didn't listen. That night I had went over to her house to talk to Shasho again, her parents said she wasn't home. I called and she picked up and I heard music and assume she was at a party. She was like Craig I'm busy can you call me back later. I was like okay but where you at? She said she was with her boyfriend. Before hanging up I told her to be safe and don't do anything stupid but I guess she didn't acknowledge what I said. The next day I saw the news about a girl getting in a car accident for texting while driving like around 10:00 o'clock. I thought to myself that couldn't be Shasho but I went to her house to see her again and her parents were crying, praying, saying why this gotta happen this way. I ran to Shasho's room looking, in the search for my cousin. I got anxious when she wasn't in there and I looked around the house while I listen to her parents morns of she gone and I hope she have found a gateway to heaven. I walked in her room, sat on her bed and was ready to call till I got a text message from her last night at 10:49 P.M. It read 

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now