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A/N: I just want to clarify some things about this book before we continue.

First, Nila is still leukemic. She just have enough blood marrow witch doesn't make her seem sick or weak now.

Madeline have a different dad. She never really met him.

Sammy is Madd and Nila's brother.

Prodigy likes Nila but no one knows about it.

Ok, lets get back to You Drive Me Close To Insane. And Stay Dope, Strong, Beautiful and Mindless ♥


     Nichol's (P.O.V)

  I sat up on my bed. Checking my iPhone, it was 8:39. Time for me to go to work. Getting off of bed I wince in pain. My stupid back was still soar. I made an appointment for me to go see a doctor later. So I'll just have to suck it up and bite the bullet.

  Finally getting off of bed, I made my way in the shower. After washing up I put on a scrub and grabbed my keys and phone. When I went down stairs I saw Madd watching TV in the living room.

  "Hey baby. Is Sammy and Nila home yet?" I ask while putting my shoes.

  "Hey mommy and no." She said while still having her eyes glue to the screen.

   Where on earth are my kids at...well, where's Sammy? I already know Nila's at Ray's.

  "Well do you know where Sam's at?" I ask to a TV dazing Madd.

  She hesitated before answering me. "No mom. Don't know where my brother Sammy is at in the moment." She turn her attention to me and gave me a nervous smile. What the hell is going on? What these misfits trying to pull pass me?

  I was about to ask whats going on till Nila came in through the front. She walk over to me smiling and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  "Hey Ma, what you still doing her? Don't you got to go to work tonight?" She ask.

  "Ya I was just about to leave. Thank goodness you came Nila. Watch after your sister and there's left over chicken in the fridge." I said all this while I was unlocking the door and opening it. "Ok bye. Y'all behave y'all selves, you here me?"

  "We'll be fine mom, bye." They both said.

  I wave before I closed the door and locking it behind me. Uh, these children of mine are something.

     Sammy's (P.O.V)

  I'm having the best time right now with my babe. Me and Aesha are at a party now getting turn up. And she really doing a good job at that. Aesha was real high and is grinding on me with the music.

  We dance to Fight Night by Migos till it was over.

  "Hey babe you want to spend a night at my place." She slurred.

  Aesha never ask something like that to me before. I guess its the drunk side of her talking. I would love to say yes but I don't want to end up doing something I'll regret doing. I love Aesha. She the best girlfriend I ever had. But if she wakes up and sees both of us naked on her bed the next day she'll kill my ass.

  Aesha was soon all over me. She brought her arms around my neck and her face an inch away from mine.

  "Sammy please. I don't wanna be alone tonight," she whispered.

  "Ok babe." I said giving in.

   Smashing her lips against mine, we was having an all out tongue war. I place my arms around her waist. Her lips tasted like pína colada and Vodka. She soon pull away and took my hand leading us out the club to my car.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now