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We left the restraint to the car. Pandela was walking way ahead of me and Calvin when he pulled me behind to have a little chit-chat.

I gave him a confuse look as I flip my hair back. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

He just shrug while giving that million dollar smile again. "Nothing just wanted to ask if you wanted to chill with me at my place?" He cooed.

I gave it a good though before answering. "I can't," I plainly said. Soon Calvin expression change to a sad one.

"Why not?" I actually didn't had a good excuse to tell him, I know how Calvin is.

Even though he's my best friend, he still a player and there's no doubt about it that he's just going to take me to his house just so he can get inside my pants.

"Well...because I have to go meet up with Ray at his place. I promise I would." I lied.

Knowing him he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder making me melt. I could just feel his muscle and smell his cologne, the spice.

"Oh come on Nila, you've never came over to my house before. What? can't you trust me?" I looked at his eyes witch was so gazing before turning my head forward again.

I pushed his arm off of me. "No I just don't think it would be fair if I bail on Ray just for you."

"I was your friend first." He mumbled.

We got to the car and Calvin unlock it hopping in. We drove out the Burger 21 parking lot onto the road. For about five minutes nobody said anything. I was just sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window just adoring the scenery as it pass by.

"Nila I don't understand why you can't just come over to my place today." Calvin said, breaking the silence.

I looked at the rearview mirror to see if Pan was listening. She had on her headphones looking out the window.

"I told you already me and Pan are going to meet up at Ray's. You can come if you want." I suggested.

He shook his head. "Heck naw, I'd rather stay home and chill by myself," he said. "Anyways, you said that your just going over there..."

"Oh sorry, Pan is coming along too." There was a moment of silence before Calvin spoke again.

"Ok fine but promise me you'll hang out with me tomorrow, I like having you around." This just made me blush. He really knew how to sweet talk a girl.

I giggled. "Ok but not at your place. Why not say mine?"

"Why don't you want to come over at mine? I don't have roaches."

"I just not comfortable-"

"Oh," understanding now. He chuckled, "you think I want you over just so I can have a round with you on my bed." He laughed even more while I was not amuse at this.

He notice and quickly stopped. "Nila your my best friend," talking in a serious tone now. "I'll never force you to do something, especially something serious like that. I care more about you then- is this the place."

We pulled up to the Rose hotel but I kept my attention on, wanting Calvin to continue. He sounded so sincere and I was desperate to know what he was about to say. He looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Well..." I gestured in frustration.

"Ma'am your destination awaits you so please exit through the door on your right."

This bitch. I got out of the car taking my backpack from the back seat and closing the door. Calvin put down the window on his right, smirking.

"Have fun but if you change your mind you could always come over and hang with me." He cooed, I just giggled and waved goodbye as I walked away.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now