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Roc Royal's (P.O.V)

I was in deep sleep. It was serene like I'm swept swiftly off to sea. Each and every one of my muscles are relaxed, my breathing is rhythmic, and mind was in center of piece. Its like I've never slept like this in days. I smiled as I mesmerize myself in my dream of when I was younger, playing football. The ball flying towards me as my hands are open out to grasp for it. Feet are ready to zip into full speed. Mind is correlated to dodge and avoid any opponents up ahead. I finally have the ball. Racing ahead to reach the end of the field for a touch down where the game will end and our team wins. I'm so close, only thirty-eight feet away. The crowd is cheering. Twenty-nine feet. I can hear my mom yell, 'Go Chres! That's my baby! Twelve feet. The other teams coach is shouting to get the ball. Seven feet. Victory is the only thing that dances on my taste buds now. Just two more--

"Chres!" Someone banged on the door then Dalila barges in. Damn, do this girl gotta ruin the littlest of things?

I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes till Dalile jumps on me and flash me with her camera. I groan as the brightness of the flash blinds me before my eyes adjusted normal again. She had those types of cameras where they develop the picture and give it to you threw the slot thingy on the bottom.

She took the picture and wave it over my face.

"Isn't this cute, I'm making memories with my Krispy Chrissy!"

I shushed her. "Are you crazy," I whispered. "Its to early for this!" I hissed pushing her to the side.

I wish I never had met her because I regret falling for her. MB was doing an autograph signing at a mall in L.A. and Dalila was taking pictures for a magazines company. She wanted me to let her take a picture of me and a kid that was here for the autographs and I saw Dalila as the prettiest nicest person I've ever seen or met. We talked then hooked up. I'd like to say looks are deceiving but there use to be a time where Dalila wasn't crazy.

I drape the blanket over my head to block out her talking.

"Chrissy its only 8:38," she said.

"Okay," I spoke dryly.

"Okay, it means its time to wake up. Don't you want to spend time with me while I'm here?" The blanket was yanked off me and I was expose to the light that was now illuminated into my room.

I started trying to remember whats today.

Dalila was focusing outside of the window, making clicking sounds with her camera as she snap photos.

"What day is it?" I ask.

"Tuesday," she replied.

I smiled in delight. Everybody knows what goes up on a Tuesday. Clubs. I rolled out of bed to get ready. Going to the bathroom, I took a shower and did my hygiene. The whole time I was brushing my teeth Dalila snap some picture of me. The whole time I was tying my shoes she snap some pictures. And when I was eating breakfast with the guys at a near by cafe she snap some more.

"So hows it been. Dalila?" Prod ask while finishing off his sausages.

"Its been real good. I've been to already Texas, Florida, Arizona and Montana."

"Aww, and now you want to spend time with your man," Ray said. Him speaking made me remember that he's the only one that knows that me and Pan kiss yesterday.

Dalila blushed. "Yeah I missed my Krispy Chrissy," she kissed my cheek and the rest were chuckling at the sight . I gave a fake smile which made more fits of laughter from them.

"Hey, Roc, you got some catching up to do with your girl then," Prince said.

"Mhmm, more like kissing up," Ray said and I quickly glared at him as he smirked which I like to wipe off his grimy face.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now