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I been having reruns of me and Pandela together yesterday the whole night. We was cool and I liked it that way. I had no other attentions of waking up at six but Prince, Ray and Prod reminded me that I had to.

All snuggled up under my covers. I was soon awakened by cold water splash on me follow by laughter.  I try to get out of bed but instead fell, face first, out instead. Stupid ass covers was wrapped around my legs. They was still cracking up when I stood up in fury, ready to whoop a niqqas ass. They zoom out my room follow by me behind. Running down the hallway, to the living room.

"Split up!" Ray shout. Confuse when they  went different directions but ran after Ray.

He dash into the kitchen, slid on the island and turn around to stick his long tongue at me when he stood on the other side.

"Boy I ain't even going to keep chasing after you. I'll get you later." I spat.

He gave me a sarcastically scared look. "Oh, I'm so scared," he chuckled.

Giving him a cold stare before going back to my room then slamming the door. Right on cue Keisha started yelling, asking who slamming doors. I heard the guys say my name in unison. Oh brother, here comes Sharkeisha.

Keisha barge in my room."Boy is you the fool slamming doors here!?" She ask. It's to early to be hearing her mouth.

Trying to make a lie quick but before I could respond, she beat me to it.

"Eh, I don't wanna hear any of your excuses slash lies. I just better not here or catch you slamming doors again."

With that she wiggle her finger and leaving, slamming the door herself.

I suck my teeth and shook my head. Looking through my messages on my phone I notice that I receive a text from my girlfriend Dalila.

Me and her haven't been doing well to keep our relationship strong. She be out of town a lot trying to perfect her career as a photographer. I try to end it between me and her but she starts getting emotional, starts crying and begging me not to do this. I just don't have the strength to do it.

The text read that something came up and that she won't be back till next week. Also, for me to go get the forms that will be passed out tomorrow at her teen session.

I delete the text without even texting back and walked in the bathroom to take a shower. Opening the water, I let the cool feeling of the water hit me while thoughts of every favor I ever did for Dalila boggle my mind. I was really desperate to end it with her and she wasn't making it easy. It drive me crazy even thinking about her.

About around half an hour of being in the shower, I got out and threw on a T-shirt and sweats after drying my self. I really don't wanna go to practice but on the up side I don't have to deal with Dalila and her dramatic ego for a week. 

      Pandela's (P.O.V)

I was at Nila's place laying on her bed. She left to go get something quick and to kill the time I was playing with my pink nails. I was interrupted soon by my stomach growling. Shoot, why is Nila taking so long? I got up off the bed, ready to head to the kitchen. I mean what are friends are for? Nila's my friend, if she's not home then her fridge is.

Before I could motion myself to the door, Nila burst through the door with a big grin on her face. Confuse and hungry as ever, I sat back on her bed.

I cross my arms over my chest. "What took you so long? I'm hungry!" I retorted. She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Your always hungry," she smiled. She not wrong there. "Anyways you'll be happy what I have."

"What is it?"

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now