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Aesha's (P.O.V)

The doctor remove his glasses from his face. "Aesha I'm sorry to tell you this but everything in your chart is all correct from your last visite."

A clump was stuck in my throat and I was unwilling to speak. I'm going to live like this forever. Tears were ready to shed. I thought that maybe my last visite everything was incorrect.

"So I can't have kids?" I ask nerviously.

"Actually you can, we have ways for people who have AIDS and still have kids that are healthy." Now he gave a stern tone ready to give more information, "but you're partner will get it also if attempting this."

My life was falling apart by the second. I have AIDS and I can't have a normal life of getting married, have sex with the one that I love and have kids of my own. And all this happened because of my dad. Yes, my dad. He had it, fucked my mom without telling her, had me and she died later. Give a prize to the fucked up family of the year.

Later, I hang with Sammy- the one that don't know the situation with me, at my house. I'm surprised my dad haven't said anything, because thats how he gets rid of all my boyfriends.


Catfish was on and Sammy and I was chilling on the coach. I leaned on him as his arm was on my shoulder. Dad stepped out of his room ready for work. My foot now tap vigorously on the floor as inside my head beg for him to not say anything.

Sammy's (P.O.V)

Aesha's pop's was acting strange along with Aesha. She was moving a lot when he entered. Her dad had some brief case with him. Looking back, Aesha never told me what her dad does for a living.

He settle his big hand on my shoulder now. "Son, I like for you to know that my little girl is my pride and joy," he say with a smile.

Now his pride and joy was shaking like crazy. I can see her roll her eyes with my perepheral vision.

"Aesha, calm down," I chuckled a bit facing her.

"Yeah bebita, I can't have a little chat with Sam here?"

She squints at him before resuming to the TV.

Aesha's dad chuckles. His laugh didn't seem like a kind fatherly one that is just checking on his daughters boyfriend. More like an evil laugh like he plotting. He left but I observe him some more then the brief case.

A laugh like he plotting.


"Madd, Nila are y'all ready to go?!?" I yell from down stairs. Nila came down followed by Madd.

"We're here," Nila said. "So you can stop yelling."

"I can't believe we're going to Disney Land!" Madd squeals.

"Yup, all because of me," I bragged. Madd ran for a hug and I picked her up, tickling her.

"How you get the tickets?" Nila ask curiously.

I shrugged. "With a little bit of magic," I say out loud for mostly Madd to understand.

"People can be just so corney can they?" Nila shook her head.

And I lean towards her from ears shot. "More like gang life."

Nila gave a look of understanding.

"What about mom?" Madd pouts now at us.

We all walked out the house.

locking the house I answer her question. "Madd, ma said she couldn't come because she got work." I avert my eyes to hers. "She also said for us to just go and have a great time."

Nila, Madd and me all went to Disney Land and had the time of our lives. We rode practically all the rides, ate, talk to some characters from movies, watch a short play and in the end of the night fireworks.

"That was the best time ever. Did you see how long Rapunzel hair was?" Madd shout in excitement.

I chuckled. "Yeah."

"And, and how far Nila puked after she rode that one ride that went really fast?" Madd ask.

(See I just realized that New York don't have Disney so lets pretend )

"That wasn't cool Madd. I got it all over that one guys shoes," Nila frowns.

I laughed. "That was the best part of the day."

She rolls her eyes looking out the window trying to hide the smirk across her face.

I drove in the drive thru, getting home at about eight. Need to get these two kids into bed for school tomorrow. We got out the car and to the house door.

Nila laughs. "Whatchu laughing about fool?"

She scope through her phone. "Ray send the funniest text."

I unlocked the door. "Oh, your niqqa right?"

She blushes. "I wish, but anyways he asked if my name was Aeral because we mer maid to be together forever." I raise a brow. "That's got to be the work of Prince," she laughs.

By now Madd wasn't by our side no more. She was already in, probable running straight to moms room to tell how the day went.

Nila was still standing by me gawking at her phone when we entered. Not even getting the chance to close the door there was a loud scream from upstairs. Me and Nila stare at each other before rushing up the stairs down the hall to where Madd was.

The door was left ajar sliding in a hault inside, not knowing what to expect.

"Madd whats wro-"

My words...they were brought to a immediate hault because I-we was staring at our dead mother on the floor.

Nichole's (P.O.V)

Entering the house and to my room I threw myself on my bed. Nothing is better from a long day of work then to go and get some rest. I didn't even take off my scrubs.

As 15 minutes pass I wouldn't have heard my phone ring since I was in deep sleep. So I wasn't aware that a person had came in my room.

Narrator's (P.O.V)

The mysterious person had snuck into the dark room. Each sneaking step triggered a thud from the boots the anonymous person wore. Making it to Nichole's side were she lie on the bed peacefully. The stranger studies her from head to toe before pulling out a plastic bag. Quickly throwing it over her face blocking the oxygen from infiltrating into her nostrils the person mug her. Nichole was startled at the bag that is smearing her face. She threw herself, clawing, screaming. Shouting and fighting back, but the plastic bag defeats her. Nichole body lies limp on her bed as the stranger leaves the room and out the house.

You Drive Me Close To Insane is over but this isn't the end. Play The Cards Right will come soon. U can always read my other books like Finding Myself (A Chris Brown love story)

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~lovaboss (so be like a boss)

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now