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Ray Ray's (P.O.V)

Today is the day MB leaves New York. It's been a ride here meeting Nila and all. To bad we've got to go. And to think Nila and me started this relationship when we met on a blind date set up by the work of Prince. Even though I bother Prince like crazy I'm grateful that he's my friend, can't ask for any better. Sad that Pan's gone because she was  an amazing dope creative girl that was Nila's bestfriend and she will be missed. Can't replace bestfriends. She's probable with God now looking down at us as we speak. Roc is real quite than usual about it now. Prince is going to be sad too when he leaves and can't see Re Re no more. And Prod is trying to get Nila back. Speaking of that kid, I felt an urge of beating his ass for hitting Nila, but I let it slide.

The suitcases sits on my bed as I stack my clothes inside. Now getting my shoes, Prod was talking real load from his room. He sounded like he was on the phone.

"Nila please I'm..."

"I know but..."

"Fine, yes you was right."

"Wait don't-hang up."

I laugh to myself as I listen to Prod, never thinking I would enjoy Prod being dumped. Glancing at my phone it signalled that I got a text from Nila.

[Like Pure Heroin]: I'll C U at the airport

[Mr.Smith]: Show up at 3

[Like Pure Heroin]: K

[Mr.Smith]: You have recieved a photo in 12:42

[Like Pure Heroin]: Lol U lik it?

Nila send me the cutest photo of me and her. I laughed at that day where we went to Taco Bell and she took a selfy of us. She had her tongue sticked out like a playful child while I threw a gang sign all feirce looking behind her. I thought I appeared sexy in this picture until I spot the taco sauce on my bottom lip.

[Mr.Smith]: Lol love it

Two hours passed and MB went over to the airport. All our suitcases and belongings was already in and we waited outside the airplane. Re Re showed up and ran into Prince's arms. He lifted her off the floor, hugging her to death. I smiled.

Prince put her down. "Lil mami I'm going to miss you with all my heart."

"Maybe I'll see you again when I'm done with collage," she suggested softly.

They hugged and shared kisses. To bad they live too far to have a real relationship. Makes me realize my life and my many of hoes all around the world. Nila came next and I beam with joy. She came up to me first and gave me a hug then to the rest, well everyone besides Prod. It was actually awkward between them. There was some guy that came also that was not to far behind from Nila. He had glared at Prod as Prod sized him up.

"I can't believe you guys are leaving. I'm gonna really miss you," Nila said all soft.

"Yeah," Re Re nodded in agreement.

"There still some space left in the suitcase. Y'all could come," I inquired and everyone laughed.

Roc Royal's (P.O.V)

Everyone began their own side conversation and how lonely of me to pull Nila away from Ray.

"Let me speak to her for a second," I inform Ray.

Moving my distance away from the rest I spoke to Nila.

Her eyebrows raised.

"Nila I know that you're still mad at Prod but you should forgive him."


"I know he's dumb some times but forgiveness is not ment for the other person its ment for you."

Ray Ray's (P.O.V)

"Nila I'm going to miss you so much." I smiled a bit.

She smiled back. That smile. "Im going to miss you too." A tear slipped away from her eye as she smiles. "Ray promise me you'll come back."

I pulled her close by her arms. Wiping the tear away from her eyes, thinking of me coming to see her again made me smile.

I doze off into her almond eyes. "Seeing you again would be the best thing ever to me. I promise." She smiled. "Oh, hey, remember our first date together?"

She let out a giggle. "Yeah and when we went to Taco Bell together and you complained about one of your tacos being missing."

I sucked my teeth. "You the one who took it."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

We shared a couple more laughs before it was time to leave and bored the plane. Giving her one more heartful hug, I joined the rest. The boys and I was walking to the entrance of the plane. Looking back, Nila waved one more time to me when our eyes interlinked. My heart was ripping apart when trying to look away from her.

There's just no one compared to her.

Up ahead was a hall that lead outside, but before going into the hall I hear someone calling my name.

"Ray! Ray!" Turning around a girl was running towards my direction.


"Ray!" Clarice leaps on to me giving me a hug. "Good thing I caught you in the nik of time," she painted as she practically dangles on me with her arms around my neck.

I blink a bunch of times not believing who is in front of me hugging me right now. "Clarice?" I babbled. "What are you doing here?"

"Ray, babe I missed you like hell. I was a complete gold digger and you never deserved that...any of it. So could you look inside your heart and give me another chance?"

I stood stalk still not knowing what to say or do. My eyes were glad to see Clarice since they were glued to hers, but slowly they fixed on Nila's and I realize I can do better. Looking over my shoulders to the guys, they all shook their heads of disapproval.

"Clarice, I'm not fina fall for that bullshit nomo. You played me. I want a girl that will be there for me and will hold me down. You deserve a guy thats exactly like you while I deserve a girl like me." Finally, I yanked my hands away following the rest to the hall.

Love is complicated like a math problem. I know what you fina say next. What if the math problem is easy?  Well look at it like this, when Clarice came back asking for another chance that was Karma right there for me. And if knowing me, Karma is a bitch, so she better fuck me right.

But one thing I know for sure I'm in love with Nila because she drive me close to insane being around her.

Now thinking about it, I regret sticking that little Kick Me sign on her back. Never mess with my tacos.

Tears. Laughter. Both. So where will these friends go now?

Next is last Chapter.

Stay Strong for the Crowd.


Starter Pack: Wifi, water & WATTPAD


You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now