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     Nila's (P.O.V)

"I don't know why you left early yesterday at my place. Were you ok?" I ask Pan as we walk to third period.

"Ya, I was just not up to it. We'll watch a movie together next time." She replied. I wasn't to sure what's going on with her but I was bound to find out soon.

  Entering into Geometry class, we both sat in our desk that was next to each other. I took out my notebook for if we had to take any notes, witch was like everyday. Getting a pencil I felt someone tap me on my shoulder from behind. Already new who it was without looking I said hey to him.

"You could at least greet me right." He said scoffing.

  I turn around in my seat to meet face to face with my other best friend, Calvin. He look fine today like usual. A black shirt that said I'm the king in all white, with white jeans that stop half way to his butt revealing he's boxers and Concords. Man that boy can dress. Calvin was to cute. I had a crush on him ever since kindergarten and he developed even more in the pass years by his muscular body, choice of clothing and shoe game.

"Hey, Calvin." I said as I wave to him. I sized him again, "You look nice today."

  He just smiled that million dollar smile. "I know babe. You look..." He shifted his head to the right to see what I had on.

  He was such a flirt. He played like half the girls in the school and had them on there knees. Well, you'd expect that since this school is half filled with thirsty bitches. Good thing I'm not like that, I'm to focused on school for any of that.

  Calvin was still checking me out. About to say something but the teacher came in the class telling us to silent down.

  I shrug my shoulder at him before turning back around, putting my focus on today lesson which we had to take notes on. In the middle of it, Calvin tap my shoulder again and slid a note on my lap while sexually feeling my leg. I slapped his hand off making him chuckle.


I opened the note.


I was going to tell you before I was rudely interrupted, that you look fine today too. Like 'real' fine. Haha. Also for you to meet me after school so we can hit up on something to eat.

From your sexy man, Calvin.

  I decided to go with him but he better pay for the food this time. Placing the note in my notebook I continued with the period and the rest of the school day.

  After school I walk out the school with the rest of the exhausted students that are anxious to go home. I search for Calvin's car in the parking lot. Taking so many turns and twists, strolling pass different cars, it seem endless even in the hot heat that beat down on me. In the process of looking, I bumped some one. Twisting my body around, ready to say sorry till I lock the same light brown eyes of Sammy.

"You didn't have to get pushy, a simple hello would have been good." He laughed. He open the door to his car that had Aesha inside, already in the passenger seat.

  Telling by her expression she seemed worried. Aesha was rummaging all around her backpack for something. I ignored it though because that's nun of my business and she might be on the time of the month and cant find her you know what. You know, simple girl stuff.

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