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     Princeton's (P.O.V)

I was really tired of seeing Ray all sad. Boy got dumped by his girlfriend Clarice three weeks ago. Now he keep talking on and on about her, barely does anything and don't even prank us or say something slick when he got the chance. What was unusual was that he doesn't mention about tacos. I new Ray had a good relationship with Clarice, but now that she's gone he's a total wreck. Like damn kill a niqqas spirit why don't we. Once I saw Nila at TGI Fridays, it gave me the idea to put him on a blind date. You know, so he can get his mind off of Clarice. She seem pretty and nice so why not.

Me and the boys are at Foot Locker right now. While trying on some Jordans I was texting Nila, to when and where she should show up for the date. Prod came looking over my shoulder trying to read my messages.

"Boy can I help you?" I ask him.

"Dang chill. Who you texting?" Prod ask envies to know.

"Just the girl I'm hooking Ray up, Nila."

"I don't think you should be hooking up Ray with some girl you barely know." Prod stated. Who is this niqqa to tell me that I shouldn't help Ray out in his sad state because of his ex.

"Prod please, have you not seen how Ray is now. This ain't gonna be a big deal."

Prod just shrugged and rolled his eyes. "What ever man."

Man what does he know anyways. This is gonna work, I just know it. Whats he doing to help Ray, actually I don't see any one trying to cheer him up. But I just now realize that its been nice that Ray haven't pranked us in the pass two weeks, especially me. I'm still mad at that fool for putting gum in my hair. It took me two hours to get it out. Now I don't even remember why I'm even helping him. Why should I put my self through so much to help him out of his sadness?

     Nila's (P.O.V)

I just finish getting off the phone with Pandela. Just told her about what me and Prince was talking about last night. She screamed her head off when I told her about getting Roc's number for her.

Grabbing the remote to turn on the TV my phone was playing Loyal. I unlocked my iPhone, seeing that it was just Prince that just texted me.

*Text Convo*

[Prince♥Charming] Hey shaw- lol I mean Nila

[Team#Nila] what do u want now?

[Prince♥Charming] Just 2 tell u that the date is gonna be at TGI Fri. & show up 2night at 6, ight?

[Team#Nila] Ya w.e, hope I still gonna get Rocs # tho

[Prince♥Charming] Do u lik Roc or some thin ??? :)

[Team#Nila] Eww! No! The # is 4 my friend

[Prince♥Charming] U mean the girl that was with U at TGI

[Team#Nila] Yup, thts the 1

[Prince♥Charming] lol she seems nice, nicer then others as I might say

[Team#Nila] lol oh w.e Prince

[Prince♥Charming] woah woah, did i just made Nila lol? And I though u just hated me

[Team#Nila] W.e I gues ur cool

[Prince♥Charming] ik ik :) all the ladies think so n they think I'm very cute ;)

[Team#Nila] lol, plz *rolling my eyes now*

[Prince♥Charming] Ya ur more lik blushing thn rollin ur eyes

[Prince♥Charming] oh ya n don't 4get bout tonight, ok? ;)

[Team#Nila] Ya ok

[Prince♥Charming] N don't 4get 2 wear something nice, ok? ;)

[Team#Nila] Ya ok n could u stop that

[Prince♥Charming] Stop wat? ;)

[Team#Nila] stop winking

[Prince♥Charming] Wat evs u say milady ;)

[Team#Nila] Oh ur comments & pick up lines r so corny

[Prince♥Charming] Corny!?! Psh, please there chick magnets just lik how the girl lov the fro B)

[Team#Nila] oh w.e helps u shit a brick at night thn, just dont use them on me

[Prince♥Charming] Haha w.e pretty sure u lik em any ways

[Prince♥Charming] Is something wrong with ur left eye because u been lookin right

[Team#Nila] lol wow that was sweet n corny at the same time

[Prince♥Charming] sweet like candy corn

[Team#Nila] Bol not even close

[Prince♥Charming] oh wat ev so does this mean u still hate me

[Team#Nila] mmm...i guess not

[Prince♥Charming] Haha it was because of the pick up lines

[Team#Nila] uh no but since were talking about it i just made 1 up

[Prince♥Charming] lol ok go ahead

[Team#Nila] ok,*Prince voice* i don't believe ur not a jar of honey because u r 2 sweet. A buzz buzz ;)

[Prince♥Charming] Umm... no, just leave the pick up lines to the experts cause u killed it :P

[Team#Nila] lol oh w.e, i gtg anyways

[Prince♥Charming] aww, ok bye shawty

[Team#Nila] not my name

[Prince♥Charming] ooo my bad Nila, bye

[Team#Nila] haha bye Prince

       *End Of Text Convo*

Oh this kid is strange but funny, I didn't even remember why I hated him. I turn on my TV and started flipping threw the channels. About an hour later I was getting hungry so I got up and went down stairs for a snack. Before I got to the kitchen, Sam was in the living room with some girl making out on the living room couch. And believe me it was nasty. I cleared my throat, getting there attention.

 "Hey, Sam who's your friend?" I ask while eyeing her. She had jet black hair, dark green eyes, and was team redbone. She seemed like she was Hispanic.

 "Oh my name is Aesha." Aesha stood up and pull out her hand to shake mine and gave me a kind smile. "You must be Nila, right?" she said in a Latino accent.

I shook her hand. "Ya, that's me. So your going out with Sam?"

"Ya, he's very sweet. What about you? Do you got a boyfriend?"

"Naw I ain't seeing any one, why you ask?"

"You seem really pretty to be single."

"Aww thanks." I was really liking Aesha but then soon Sam cut in to the conversation.

"Ok Ok, you ladies got to know each other." Sam says patting me and Aeshas back. "Now can I have my lady back?" He ask me with a smirk.

"Whatever," I said to Sam then rolling my eyes. "Bye, Aesha."

She waved and before Sam grabbed her by the waist and leading her out the house door together. Aesha seem very cool. Shit, if she come over more often we might become friends. Sam better not blow it with her.

Hope yall are enjoying the book.

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Stay Dope, Strong, Beautiful & Mindless.


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