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I have to go to the hospital today to go see my friend, Pandela . Like me she also have leukemia but she taking it worse then me. But she's getting better. I go see her every Saturday, the day I'm aloud to visit and when I'm not busy.

I brush my teeth, showered and put on my clothes. I wore a red all stars shirt, tucked in blue rip jeans and red low top all stars.

Putting my hair in a messy bun, I pick up a black hoodie. I hate going to the hospital without no jacket. Made my way down stairs, to the kitchen. I pulled out my phone, its 9:37 AM, so no one was awake yet.

Making my self useful I cooked some eggs and bacon for me and every one else later when they wake up. For something sweet, I baked chocolate chip cookies.

After I was done eating I left the house. Walking to the hospital, it wasn't that far anyways, only took twenty minutes.

When I got there, I strolled up to the desk, asking permission if I can go. The lady behind the desk nodded her head for approval.

When I was in the elevator I notice I was a little bit nervous. What if she gotten worse now from the last time I saw her? That Pandela might only have a couple of days here on earth. Don't know what I'd do with out her. My best friend, gone. Lemme stop, I don't wanna jinx it.

I walk out the elevator and to room 314. Opening the door peeking my head in, Pandela was sitting on the hospital bed staring into space. I move closer to her.

Pandela was very pretty. Had black short hair, dark lust brown eyes and soft cheeks that went well with her chocolate like skin. She had on a nasal cannula for her breathing and some metal like clip on one of her fingers. Probable to monitor her heart rate.

I remember meeting her like it was just yesterday. It was at a session for kids that are diseased, mentally incline or dysfunctional to parts of the body. I was seven and she was eight at the time, at that we met she understood me, making us close as ever. Since then we hang out, went to the same school and gossip. Her favorite topic was boys. I would remember how she would talk about Chris Brown, August Alsina, Tyga or most of the time Mindless Behavior.

MB was pretty cool. There music was dope and to be honest they were pretty attractive.

I sat next to her facing at the wall like her. "Hey Pan, hows it going?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"Nothing, just thinking?" Pandela said, still dazed off into space. There was a long silence.

"What you thinking about?" Breaking the long silence that spread in the room.

"Just about my parents." She turned and faced me, making me face her. I saw hurt in her eyes. Tears stream down her face. "I don't understand why they didn't want me. Why? Why Nila?"

Pandela never had it easy also in her life. You might think, what the hell is wrong with Pandela . Well she just wanted love. Instead of love blinding her it was her assumptions that did.

Her parents gave her up for adoption when she was two. Luckily, she was adopted at three by a rich white couple. They loved Pandela with all they're heart. Gave her food, a roof, clothes and whatever else she wanted. As she got older she never felt happy. She always led up to believe that her parents just made a bad decision in having her, so they got rid of her. She could have talk about it to her foster parents, they were always to busy with work. So her assumption did the explaining.

"I don't know. Why don't we get some ice cream, get your mind cleared up, ok?"

"Ok, I guess." Pandela slumps off the bed, to the bathroom. Ten minutes later she was ready in a floral print blouse, pink skinny jeans and black doc martins.

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