Chapter~20 Part~2

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Ray Ray's (P.O.V)

I dont know why I said what I said earlier but besides from me, Roc is guilty too. Now he got to choose between Pandela or Dalila and I'm still sitting here, single. I remember me saying that its better to be solo but I didn't mean it. I was just mad because they all got someone to love and I don't. The guy on the sidelines is the role I play in the group. Raquan Smith want some love too.

I was foreal searching for the restroom hopefully bumping into Nicki, but now I'm all lost in my thoughts to pay attention to where I was going. Walking in a different hall till a door open in front of me and met my face.

I rub my forhead as I yelped.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I heard some female voice say. I wave my hands up as my head was still down. "It's all good." I bring my hand up and began to hyperventilat because Nicki Minaj was standing right in front of me now trying to see if I'm okay.

She look me in my eye in concern. "Are you sure you okay because if you're not I could get some ice?"

I grinned like a fool. "I'm fine," I shrugged. "I was only here to find you."

"You a Nicki fan?" I smiled then she looked at me closer. "Ooh you Ray Ray from MB. My neice loves you. She wanted me to bring her to one of your concerts." She grabbed me by the hand and brought me into her dressing room. "Lets talk inside."

I talk to Nicki for the longest and it was the best day I ever had. Prince texted me saying that they was leaving and was going out to eat. I wish I could stay longer but Nicki had to go too.

Nicki left to the bathroom to change and I waited on the coach ready to tell her that I had to go. She came back with a McDonalds uniform on. My face was questioning her as if I was asking her if she really had two heads.

She smiled. "Its just a disguise. And I'm the one who picked it out too." She handed me the shirt she wore earlier with the 88 on it. "I think you should have it since you have the exact same one on." She points at my shirt while she giggles.

I stood up taking the shirt and smiling big. "Thanks."

"Any time and I also want you to have this." She gets pink beats from the small table that holds all the makeup and a sharpie.

She scribbled a bunch of stuff on the headphones before handing it to me. Then she leaned in for a hug.

"Its nice meeting you, Ray."

My legs was wobbly but I had to be strong around wifey.

"It was nice meeting you too, Nicki."

We walked out the dressing room and she turned the lights off then closing the door.

"I hope you have a goodnight and I'm sorry again about you're head," she says to me.

I chuckled. "Its alright and tell your neice I said hi."

After that we parted our ways. I open the door to the exit that trail to the parking lot. I admired Nicki's shirt and beats. I read the writting on the beats and it had Nicki's autographs and phone number. My breathing was unstable ready for my body shut down from hyperventilating again.

The rest were already at the car and I puffed up my chest and held my head tall. Everyone looked at me.

"Where have you been?" Prod ask.

"Been with my wife. Why? Y'all missed me?" I smieked.

"Sure we did."

"Why are you talking like that?" Nila laughed.

"Because I'm a man little girl."

She shook her head. "Whatever. Whats that in your hands?"

"Nicki gave it to me."

"Really? Let me see then," Prince demanded.

"Heck naw, I dont want your fingerprints on my bae's things."

Prince just sucked his teeth at me. "Boy, whatever, we're waisting precious time."

"Yeah, I wanna eat," Prod says grabbing Nila by the hand and hopping in the car. "Leggo."

We drove to a restaurant to go eat and when we got in we was extraneous because everyone was dressed so fancy while we was casual. A waiter got us a table and we all sat down reading over our menus.

I think tomorrow Imma get a manikin so I can leave it in my room and it will wear my wifey's shirt and beats.

I exit out my daydreaming and the waiter came back to take our order. After that everyone started their own side conversation, well everyone except Pan. Miserable was printed as the new headline on her face and Roc or anyone else not seem to notice. Roc was flirting around with Dalila, having fun and shit like he aint just went behind her back and flirted with Pan.

Only a minute went by till Pan got up to leave.

"Where you going?" I ask, since no one cares in this table.

"Restroom." She left without saying another word.

All our food came out and the rest digged in. Pan never came back and no one still didn't notice. I got up and walk to the restroom. I wait for two minutes to see if she'll come out then just end up calling her phone. It went to voicemail. I was losing options so I walked in the ladies restroom and looking under each stall till I made my way to the last one. The sniffling was heard on the other side.

I knocked at the door. "Pandela are you in there." The person on the other side fell silent then

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now