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Nila's (P.O.V)

"Stop , I have to go now." Trying to move Prod's hands away but he place them back on my waist again.

He pulls me towards him. "Babe lemme have just one more kiss."

"No you already had so many."

Prod started to pout and I giggled at him.

Rolling my eyes I wrapped my arm around his neck. Leaning in and giving him a kiss. Then the kiss turn to another make out session.

"Okay I gotta go," I smiled against his lips.

"Okay, boo." He pecked my lips one more time before letting me leave.

Making my way to the front door, Ray bumped me on the side when coming out his room. He rubbed his eyes from sleep then smiled at me.

Fixing my book bag on my shoulder I eyed him. Ray was still in his PJ's and his hair was in a mess.

"Nila, I've missed you." Ray gave me a bear hug. "Whatchu doing here?"

I giggled."To see Prod. But your breath though..."

I immediately cover my nose with my hand but the obnoxious baster Ray is, he held on to me even tighter.

"My breath? What about it?" he breathed in and out in my face.

Squirming out of his grip was hard as he kept his arms firmly around me. The idiot was laughing while I was dying from his toxic breath.

Finally he lets go.

He laughed even more. "Great, now I'm late." I crossed my arms, mean mugging him.

"It was only a minute."

"Whatever, I got to go."

I started walking away but Ray stopped me saying he'll take me to school.

I gave him a look like he was dumb. "Your not even dressed."

He sprinted in his room then back with shoes and keys. "Leggo."

Ray drove me to school and I got to first period on time and like always, school was the same. Take notes, turn in homework, listen to lectures, go to lunch, and listen to more lectures. The only thing differents was that Pandela wasn't here anymore which made me lonely in all my classes.

Not paying any attention to the teacher, I just wondered off.

"Girl did you see that skirt Kaitlyn was wearing?" the girl behind me spoke.

"Oh my gosh, yes girl that shit look ugly as fuck," the other girl that the first one was speaking to said.

People these days. Always talking shit about peoples kids.

"She can't dress. That's why her niqqa left her," the first one spoke.

"Yes, and her weave always out of place. Looking like some type of toupee shit," the other half whispered.

Shake my head. Ignoring them because that's not my place to be listening to people conversation, I slip out my phone to check the time but something the girls said caught my full attention.


"Ooo, you know that one girl that's in this class, have short black hair, chocolate skin and diseased or whatever?" the second one asked.

"Oh yeah. Pandora, I think. But I heard that she sucked up the whole football team," the girl behind me said in a disguste tone.

"Probable did," the other one muttered.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now