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"So what you did yesterday with your new best friend?" Calvin ask with curiosity.

I just ignored him, walking into his kitchen. I started looking around for any trace of drugs, you know just to making sure. I didn't spot any but I did spot his fridge.

Calvin saw the expression on my face and placed his hand on my shoulder stopping me from getting close. ''Oh hell naw, you is not emptying out my fridge with yo fat ass,'' he said.

''Come on what you expect me to eat you force me to skip school with you."

Yes, those words did come out of my mouth. I skipped school today with Calvin.

''You was begging to skip anyways so I knew this would be a good time to take you to my place,'' he said

I was mugging him now. ''What you mean I was begging? You threw me into your car when you pull by me when I was getting to school!!!''

I swear if we get caught Imma whoop this niqqas ass and if my mom find out then all hell will break loose and the evidence will be shown on my ass.

He laughed. ''Oh the memories we make," he wiped an imaginary tear by his eye. ''Anyways I forgot there's no food in the fridge but there some snacks in my room," he spoke pointing upstairs.

Calvin lead the way as I followed. Going down the hall we stop by a door on the the right. He open the door revealing his room and it was pimped up. His big room was painted money green matching his king size bed sheets. There was a poster of Nicki Minaj of her pic for anaconda right next to his bed lamp. On the other side of the room was a love seat, an arm chair facing a flat screen TV that's mounted on the wall. All of this was nice but what really caught my eye was his dresser. I walked towards it trying to get a better look of the pictures Calvin had framed. All of the pictures were of him and me.

"That's why I wanted you over for," Calvin said walking beside me. "Don't you remember the good old days?"

I giggled as I remembered. "Ya you kept rambling on that your feet smelled like chips."

"It smelled like Doritos," he retorted.

"Nacho cheese," I added. We both laugh together.

I found this so cute how Calvin save all these memorable photos. I don't even know how he got them. Ready to ask but shut my mouth completely when I saw something peeking out of one of the drawers, like a little zip lock bag. I snatch it out of its place and saw white powder. I knew it! Niqqas on dope!

"What's this?" I questioned, facing him, "and tell me the truth." I ain't taking the lies he possible have to make for this crack.

"Nila it's nothing, it's not even for me." Calvin explain.

"Mmhmm, then who's it for then?"

"Nila I brought you up here to look over the photos of us when we was younger, when we didn't stress over stuff. Now your standing here questioning me about crack up in my house." He shook his head and walked pass me out the room

Great my balloon shape head ass filled with hot air started some stupid shit that shouldn't really matter. I guess I only did this because I don't want to see my best friend turn out to something he's not.

I put the bag on the dresser and walked out the room, closing the door behind. Bringing myself to the living room he sat on the corner of the coach.

"Calvin I'm sorry I did that I was just-" I looked at his hand which he was hiding something from me. My eyes flew to his eyes then to his lip which had crumbs all over it. 

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now