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      Roc Royal's (P.O.V)

Bored out of my mind I was on Twitter. Ray just left three hour ago to hang with Nila. Prince and Prod are roaming the streets of New York since we're here on our tour. Today, Keisha gave us a break but tomorrow we'll be back to practicing for our next concert here.

Any who, I'm bored and there's nothing going on in Twitter. A couple minutes pass and I gave up and tap the home then the contact button. Maybe I'll just chat for a while. I kept scrolling till I stop to Pandela's number. She was a big fan of the Roc Royal but I never really had one full out conversation with her.

I decided to not call her but meet her at the hospital, hoping she'll be there still and is not doing anything. Nila already told me about her having leukemia. I felt bad and I though it would be nice to pay her a visit.

Getting ready, I dress in a white button down shirt, my bred elevens and khaki shorts. I sprayed some cologne and grab my keys and phone. Walking out the hotel making my way to my car, I drove to the hospital.

When I was already there I forgot that I didn't know her room number. Trying to figure out what to do next I spotted Pandela walking to the cafeteria. That was easy.

Sneaking behind her making sure I was quiet as a mouse. I look over her shoulder when I was close behind. She was on Instagram.

I waited till she sat down in a table to sit next to her.

"Hey Pandela." I said with a warm smile. She didn't say a word just automatically started cheesing when she saw me. I clear my throat.

"Oh. Uh... H-hi my name is Pandela. Well I guess you already know that since you greeted me with my name." She nervously spoke.

I lightly laugh. "Ya, I guess you already know who I am, so there's no need to introduce myself."

"Yup," she said popping the 'p' and giggling. "What are you here for?"

"I was bored and came to see if you wanted to get a smoothie and maybe take a walk in the park." She plastered a big grin on her face and nodded vigorously.

"Ok, leggo."


The car ride was awkward but not completely since the radio was on. We was now at Planet Smoothie. I let Pandela go pick our table while I order for us.

The line wasn't to long and before I new it I was at the front.

"Hello sir, welcome to planet smoothie, may I take your order." The red headed lady spoke.

I look at the menu that stand above behind the cashier. I wonder what Pan would want. Settling on strawberry kiwi surprise for her and banana bliss for me, I paid and took the smoothies.

I scope for Pan finding her at a booth near a window. I walk over to her handing her drink.

She stay mute the entire time while drinking her smoothie and dazing outside the window. This is not at all how I wanted this to turn out. We could at least have one descent conversation. Finally I though of a good topic.

"So... How long have you've been a fan for MB?" I ask seductively getting her attention.

Her face lit up in relief for speaking up. "Um, well that was when I was fourteen when I heard your first song, Ms. Right."

"Oh, well what you find so special about it?"

"It was a really cute song, how y'all talk about going all around the world to meet the right girl."

"Is that your favorite song?"

Pan shook her head. "Naw, I like Hello better." She lean forward while her elbow was sitting on top of the table. "Ok, that's enough question for me. Its my turn to ask you?"

I chuckled. "Alright, go on."

"Mmm... ok, what's your favorite color?" She question.

"Are you serious? my favorite color?" I furrowed my eyebrows to her.

"Hey, I never question your questions?" She exclaim then lightly hitting me on the shoulder.

"Because non of them were dumb." I muttered.

Pan just cross her arms and arch her eyebrows.

"Fine its blue. What about you?"

"Blue and red. Are we still heading to the park though?"

"Ya, you ready?"

She nodded. Chugging down the rest of her smoothie quickly. I just laugh, already done with mine.

"Don't get brain freeze." I laughed as I  toss away my cup.

It was to late for that. I turned back to see her holding both sides off her head while scrunching her face. She just look to funny that I couldn't help but to laugh.

She regain her sense. Feeling her punch me in the arm I immediately stop and rubbed my arm.

"That's so not funny." She started then heading to the door.

"Oh come on, that was totally funny, you should have saw your face." I chuckled.

Pan just smirk. "Whatever."

The car ride to the park was far from quiet or awkward. Pan was actually fun to talk to. We was talking about our embarrassing moments that happened to us. Hers was hella funny but I can not tell a lie, mines were pretty funny to.

As she laugh at my tails I stole a couple of glances at her. I never notice how cute she was. I like her smile showing off her pearly whites. The way her almost shoulder length hair flew around caused by the breeze from the open window. The ray of the sun was shining at her eye where it glisten to where you can see how brown they were. I wish I could have had more time to admire her features till she cut me off of the trans I was having.

"Earth to Roc!" Snapping her fingers.

"Oh, my bad. Whats wrong?" I nervously ask while shifting to her direction.

"You just pass the park." She giggled showing off that amazing smile. Wow.

"Uh, ya. I though maybe we could chill in a better park, with a nice view and all." Honestly I made up that excuse so I can have more time for the ride there to look at her more. She didn't question it though, just began blushing and giggling.

I made sure that the park was nice still but far. When we got there, as the gentleman I am and what Ray will never be, (Ya Nila told me the whole thing. Haha, that shit got me crying) I got out the car and ran to open Pan's door.

She blushed. "Aww that was sweet, thanks."

"Well I have to be a gentleman once in a while."

We walk around the park. We talk as we pass by joggers, kids running wild and dog walkers. I new that me and Pandela can never be more then friends. So I vowed the next time I see her I will not have no emotion towards her what so ever.  I have a girlfriend that was out of town now anyways.

I know for one thing for sure. I'm making this last.

      Pandela's (P.O.V)

The whole time with Roc was to surreal. It felt more like a dream. A dream come true! I was nonchalant the whole time even though I felt a little week in my knees to time to time. With me acting cool on the outside, It was like fourth of July or Happy New years in my heart and I definitely don't want the feeling to end.

We watch the sun set before heading to the car. The drive back to the hospital was nice. It was the best day ever and he said he'll call later before leaving.

From that long day I just kick off my shoes and plop on my bed wanting to watch some TV. Grabbing the remote I flip through some channels and SpongeBob was on. It was the episode of the best day ever. You see how this world works in mysterious ways.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now