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Pandela's (P.O.V)

I woke up in the morning with a splitting headache. I didn't even take a lot of shots last night, only two but my head hurts like crazy. I got some Tylenol then went to the bathroom where I took a shower and did my hygiene. Rummaging my closet to find something till deciding on a white and red polo shirt, skinny jeans and my red Toms. Rubbed on my no allumenem deorterant under my armpits and didn't think of spraying perfume on because that's stuff is bad for you. Brush my hair, grab my book bag and went down stairs to the kitchen. I found Harold making breakfast for me and him.

"Good morning, Harold," I said, sitting down at the table, I reach into my book bag for my eos for my dry lips.

"And a good morning to you too miss Pandela," he hand me my blue berry waffles with syrup and I digged in.

I spot him not eating his breakfast but filling up two paper bags with food.

"Harold who are those for?" I ask curiously.

"Maria and John had asked me to make them lunch," he answered.

Their names gave a shudder down my spine. Their face were hard to remember because it's been way before spring break, meeting MB or the last time I got out of the hospital since I've seen them. They probable don't even remember that I exist and that they had adopted a child. They're always busy at work that I never see them here. Harold knows how I don't like when he refers to Maria and John as my parents. The thought gives me another icy cold shutter down my spine.

Harold notice I was feeling uncomfortable right now and embrace me with his words. "Pandela one day you'll reunite with Maria and John and see that they're not half bad of people."

He poured me a glass of juice. "They'll see how amazing of a women you have grown up to be because I know so." He open his arms out and I got up for a hug. "But until then make sure you have a great day at school and take your vitamins." He took the paper bags and place his breakfast in the microwave.

"Would you like a ride to school miss Pandela?" He got his keys, ready to go.

"No thanks. Traffic is always slow," I said finishing off my food.

He chuckled. "You always was a clever mouse and one that is always right," he says. "Well let me be on my way and don't forget to lock up. Good morning to you."

Harold left and I put my dishes in the sick then took my vitamins.

I walk to school and went to my locker to get my books for first period which is psychology.

"Wassup, Pan," Calvin surprised me from behind. I jumped and dropped my notebook. He laughs and picks it up.

I took it from him. "Why do you like running around scaring people?"

"You're the one all jumpy."

"Whatever. Have you seen Nila?"

"Nope," Calvin put his arm around my shoulder. "But you know since you're my bestfriend I would like for you to do me a favor."

I furoud my eyebrows at him. "What?"

"For you to get that red headed girl in your first period to talk to me."

"I'm not doing that," I move his arm off me as I pick up to class.

"Best friends do best friends favors."

"I'm not going to send girls for you to fuck and duck."

Calvin kissed his teeth. "Please best friend."


"You're mean."

"Ooh I cared."

Dalila's (P.O.V)

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