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I change my mind about getting something to eat. Ray better satisfy me and my stomach tonight if I'm not satisfied I'm not doing any more favors for Pandela.

Checking the time by the wall clock, it was 5:09. Well I better not be late for my date.

I took a shower then got dress. I really didn't go all out for this date. Just had a blue crop top with white stars all over it, blue dark jeans and black Vans. Prince did tell me to still look good though. Aghh, why should I care? I still dislike them for how they all acted at the hospital. I still don't understand why I'm on a date with a celebrate. I'm definitely not famous.

Just deciding on letting my hair down, there was no noise outside of my room. It was so quiet that you can here a pin drop. Guess there's no one home, if I wasn't going on this dumbass date I would be taking advantage of no one being home. I sighed. Taking my phone and keys I made my way down stairs out the front door while closing and locking it.

Finally I'm at TGI. I open my phone to see the time, it was 6:12. Prince never told me specifically where to meet Ray at. So I'm standing here looking like an idiot for about twenty more minutes. To pass the time I watched people coming in and out out the restraint. I never though that I'll ever do something this boring. I finally gave up and just went inside.

Prince you are so mad dumb making me wait outside this whole time if your ass already here.

      Princeton's (P.O.V)

Ray was so mad when I told him that I got him a date tonight. It took me like around two hours for me to convince him then get him ready. Once he goes through with this date he'll be back with his old self. He'll forget all about Clarice and if I'm real lucky from this date coming out well, then Ray will have a new girlfriend but I hope I know what I'm doing though.

Me, Ray and Roc are at the restraint already. I gave Ray an ear piece so I can talk to him while on the date. Explaining how this was going to work. Ray was going to be in a separate table with Nila. Me and Roc will be at a far table watching but making sure we don't get caught by Nila.

Ray nodded showing of agreement, put on the ear piece and strolled off to his table. About twenty minutes I became worried because Nila wasn't here. Wow, how could she go ahead and stood up Ray. I mean Ray ain't really the handsomest one in the group....but Nila could have just said she didn't want to go through with this.

I reach into my pocket for my phone ready to call while shaking my head and sighing. I pulled out my phone. Suddenly, I saw a girl sitting at the table with Ray. Good, it was Nila. Now let the plan commence.

      Ray Ray's (P.O.V)

I was fixing my ear piece in a way where my date wont see it. When I was done a waiter came, putting down two menus and ask if I wanted any thing now. Ya, for this date to be over. I haven't met my date yet and I still don't want to go through with this. I miss Clarice so much, she was my every thing. I gave her my love. I though she could be the one but in the end she used me for my money. Clarice left me stranded for some other niqqa.

I finally answered the waiter telling her that I'm good and maybe later. She nodded and swiftly left out of my sight.

Next came a girl with light brown hair, hazel eyes and a nice body with her soft looking skin. She looked about eighteen. She gave me a fake smile and sat on the seat across from me.

"Ok, that's your date Ray. I'm warning you now, don't ruin this." Prince spoke through my ear piece.

"Hi, my name is Nila." She muttered.  She didn't seem to excited to be on this date either.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now