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Its been three days now from my date with Prod and I'm just telling Pan now. She out screaming her head off for joy of me and Prod being a couple. I definitely couldn't say no he's sweet, charming and have the most amazing jaw line. Me and Pan are just chilling out at her place eating candy and talking about what happen to us this week.

Pan stuff a hand full of gummy worms in her mouth then trying to speak. "Ila I havd te mazering pie witch sock!''

I laughed. "Pan slow down and chew, I cant understand you."

She chewed then repeated herself again. "I had an amazing time with Roc. It was the same day Prod ask you out. Roc brought me along to the teen session at the hospital..."

Pan continued on with her story talking about a ratchet blonde women, what was talked about in the session and getting ice cream later. All in all the only thing I recognize in her story is that Roc and Pan are getting real close. I feel so happy for her. Roc being around Pan is warring her down from her worries. I'm so glad they've met. 

For about a couple of more minutes we gossiped. Until Calvin came busting threw the door spraying silly string on us. And this kid wounder why he ain't got a girlfriend. His ass better not complain when he notice his little brother is cuffing more girls then he is.

I got up from off the floor pushing him aside when heading out the room. I heard him laughing as I got to the kitchen. Harold was sitting at the table going threw mail. 

He looked up at me through his reading glasses and smiled. "Hello, Nila. Its been a long time haven't it? Hows it been?" he ask in that British accent. Harold settle the mail and his glasses down on the table.

"Oh I've been better." He approvingly nodded. Calvin and Pan soon came in telling by they're fits of giggling and chuckling. 

I turned around on my heels to face them having to be spray with more silly string from the both of them. Are you serious? The friends I choose these days. I remove all the silly string and  try to toss at them but failed.

They laughed even more."See this is why were your friends. You need some excitement in your life because your just a stick in the mud," Pan exclaim.

"Probable just need the D is all," I caught Calvin mumble which made me cut my eyes towards him.

He quickly looked away. Getting a bowl I went to the cabinets and got me a box of Lucky Charms. Pouring it in the bowl I placed the cereal back and sat at the table.

"Well Nila are you going to tell him or do I?" Pan ask. I knew she was talking about me going out with Prod to Calvin.

"Tell me what?"

Pan stared me down, waiting for my approval. I gave it some time to think before nodding.

"Nila got a boyfriend and its Prodigy!!!" She squealed with delight but Calvin was frowning. 

"You mean that niqqa from that stupid boy band?" He mumbled sounding annoyed.

"Ya, why?" Why he say it like that?

"Ya, are you jealous Calvin?" Pan chimed as she pinch one of his cheeks.

"Yes, as you kids might say-- are you feeling some type of way." Harold jumped in.

Calvin started to scratch the back of his head. "No. I just...though that Pan end up dating one of those guys since she like that Roc kid."


"Anyways I'm happy for you," he continued.

"I mean I guess," I spoke.

I started picking and eating the marshmallows in my cereal. I looked up to see Pan giving me a 'really niqqa' expression to me.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now