Chapter~21 Part 2

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I know this is a Ray Ray love story but after the next chapter were done with Roc and Pandela's love. And could yall see the pic on top down left or right its funny but true. I was listening to keep her on the low for old time sake.

Roc Royal's (P.O.V)

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me could you tell me my friends room."

The guy was still on the computer not giving me his attention.

Standing here waiting for this man to help me a women in scrubs came to the desk.

"I'm sorry sir for the waiting," the nurse said in a sweat voice. "How may I help you?"

"Can you tell me the room of Pandela?" I smiled.

"Do you have an impontment to see her?"


"What's the last name?" She ask looking down at some papers.

I didn't even know her last name when searhing threw my brain.

I hesitated as to trying to answer her question. "Sir, its okay if you don't know her last name, the nice nurse said noticing my frustration. She shift her eyes to me then to the presents in my hand. "Are you a friend?" she continued.

I nodded and she smiled. Looking back at the sheets of paper she found her name then my appointment and told me the room number.

"Have a good day, sir," the nurse beams.

"You too. And thank you..." I direct my gaze to her name tag, "Nichol."

Making my way to the elevator, I press the 8th floor and the door closed.

That nurse seemed familiar. But its not like I know her. But its like her features can be close to someone I know. As much as I try, the name just didn't drift up to my unconscious mind.

My feet was feeling heaver and heaver when the elevator shaft pass each floor till it stopped.

Roc get your self together, the voice in my head encouraged me. My head spinning had threw me off course. But I couldn't help it because my legs felt planted on the floor, not wanting to move. Taking a deep breath I moved on looking for room 143.

Pandela's. (P.O.V)

My hands graze threw the sheets of the bed searching for longing. Everything around me is such in peice like someone have picked up their remote and in a press of a button paused everything. Its creepy but exhilarating. And like I can predict the future, Roc came threw the door. I had to admit, its shocking for him to be here. So much that I had no words in my head to speak out loud.

Roc came in with a teddy bear, some flowers and a card but this doesn't change a thing. I'm not going to forgive him so easy even with that card that probable says sorry so many times that there's not one blank space.

He can't buy his way to my heart. I felt hurt, humiliated and mislead. He might be the famous talented handsome Roc Royal from MB, but that is not going to change how I feel.

When shifting my eyes to his eyes it was soft and sorrowful. Hipnotic eyes that could make me or any girl fall head over heels was full of apologise that you can tell a hundred people. So my heart collapse in my chest with so much force when he ran up and hugged me, and unexpectedly my arms flew around his neck hugging him back. I started to cry in vulnerability. We held on to each other forever. These days been the longest without him. We wouldn't let go of one another, like we'll die if we do. We was holding on for dear love.

He slowly move back to stare me in the eye. "I'm sorry, Pandela," he whispers to me.

Goosebumps rose from my flesh when he was way to close for me to handle. Roc lets go sitting close beside me on the bed. He studied me. Maybe searching for purpose why I came to his life. All that was in his eyes was an uncanny deep lust in the shade of chocolate brown. He repeats again that he's sorry in his deep soft tone and I reply with a sigh

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