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Ok were back. So Nila and Pan are just at the boys place and chilling.

     Nila's (P.O.V)

Me and the rest were at the living  room watching the boys live performance of the concert that me and Pan went to. I don't know why but I feel that Prodigy likes me but I don't know that for sure. Oh well, maybe its just me.

As we all watch the part of Princeton grinding on to the crowd Ray kept on munching on some Doritos. Everyone faced him at once.

"What? Can't a niqqa eat?" Ray protested.

"Don't mean you got to munch so dang loud! Were trying to watch this." Prince said as he put up the volume with the remote.

 "Boy ain't nobody care about you grinding on the fans."

 Prince rolled his eyes. He reached over and took some chips in the bag.

"Yo Blexican, you was just complained about me eating and now you shove your hand and take MY chips!" Ray whined.

"Oh please do everyone a favor and shut it," Prince retorted.

Every time I hang out with these guys Prince and Ray always end up in an argument. They were like two old married couple always bickering back and forth which me and the rest finded annoying. Usually this would go on for about thirty minutes or so but Prod went and broke it up.

"Will y'all both shutup," Prod complained.

"But he started it first," Ray spoke in a childish tone.

Pan threw one of the coach pillows at him and glared at him. "Hey, let's just stop fighting and finish watching the performance."

We did as Pan said and continued watching. After that I left with Ray to go do homework in his room.

Ray excused himself to go to the bathroom so I just started looking around. No joke though his room was big for a hotel room. He had a king size bed right beside a wide window that show all the people, traffic, some tourist attractions and shops of New York. There was a of poster hanged of MB and one of himself. I look around some more finding one drawer that contain Taco Bell coupons, drawings and other personal possessions.

I really shouldn't even be going through Ray stuff. It's impolite and I don't want him taking me the wrong way of being a crazed fan or something. Closing the drawer, I took a step back but bumping into someone from behind. Damn. I turned around to face Ray towering over me.

"Before you say anything I would like to say I wasn't going through your things," I lied. Giving him a innocent smile even though he probable have seen everything.

 Ray chuckled. "Oh I was about to say, though you were about to take all my coupons because we was fina bump then."

 With that being said he tackled me on to his bed and tickled me when he was on top.

 I was laughing so hard and hysterical that I had to slap his hands off so I could get some air.

"Little boy if you don't get off me I will-" before I could finish he cut me off.

"Little boy? Little girl I'm five inches taller and I'm four years older then you," he spoke sternly.

I playfully rolled my eyes and picked up my book bag from the side of the bed where I settled it. I pulled out my geometry homework out and a pencil. Already with a glance of the work it seem difficult. I took a deep long sigh as I lay down. Bringing the paper up to my face Ray soon snatch it. 

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now