01. Shubman's Love

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I was peacefully having my morning coffee, enjoying the birds chirruping in my terrace while a familiar voice said "Good Morning"

"Good morning, Abhay" I replied taking a sip.

"So what happened yesterday?" He asked enthrallingly as he took seat on the ledge.

"I slept peacefully" I said shifting my gaze to the mother bird on a nearby tree, who is leaving to find prey for her young birds.

"Arrey, I asked about Zaara, man" he rolled his eyes, "did you confess your feelings to her?" 

"No" I nodded my head sideways, and before Abhay'd ask why I answered that question too, "I'm scared Abhay. What if she says that I'm just a friend of hers? I don't want to ruin my friendship too" I said keeping my coffee mug aside after gulping down the last sip of it.

"Shubman, I have seen her love for you in her eyes. She is just too good at hiding it, just like you idiot. She is just waiting for you to propose her.", He said assuringly placing his hand on my shoulder and pulled me in front of him.

I looked at him. "Go, propose to her". He gave me a confident smile.

"Okay, I'll do that today" I mumbled.

"Will you?" He gave me an questioning look.

"Areey, I know Abhay. I'm telling this to you for the n-th time, but trust me. Today is the day."

'Okay, I am going to propose her tonight no matter what' I said to myself.


~At Stadium

Finally, I'm done with my practice session now. I walked towards the strands and sat on one of the random chairs.

I unlocked my phone and checked the messages from my coach. After replying him when I clicked the back button, Zaara's profile picture caught my attention. She was looking so happy in that picture and the best part is that picture was clicked by me.

It was a candid picture of her playing with my dog Coco. I clicked it when she came home last week for dinner. I smiled when I remembered how she reacted to see Coco. She was damn scared initially, which I felt extremely cute and later she got along with coco very much that she ended up talking coco for a walk that night.

I smiled when that moments played in my mind.

"May I know, Why are you smiling like an idiot, Mr Shubman Gill?" Asked Kamlesh walking towards me with Manjot.

"The reason is obvious,  Kamlesh. Don't you know that" winked Manjot. They both had a great laugh. This has become  habit for them since I introduced Zaara to them.

These guys.. they keep shipping me and Zaara just like jobless people on social media. But the difference is they ship me with Sara and these two ship me with Zaara.

Ok, as I decided to propose her today. I called Zaara, as I stood up and took few steps away from them.

''Hello Shubman, what's up'' she said. Her voice is all enough to flutter my heart.

"Hey zaara, just finished my practice session. So, I was just thinking why shouldn't we go out for dinner tonight."

"Yup, sure shub. Its been long since we hung out like two crazy souls" she said which reminded me all those crazy things we did when we went for dinner few months back.

And Zaara is always ready for food. She loves food. Especially junk foods.

"Fine then, let me pick you up at your office by 8 pm"

"Sounds great. Meet you then"

"Yup" I hung the call.

Then I bid goodbye to Manjot and kamlesh and walked towards my car. I quickly decided the place and booked our table and started driving towards home.

Every time I meet Zaara, I try to confess my feelings. But something stops me. She has always been a good friend of mine. What if she still sees me as her friend? I didn't want to ruin my friendship with her. But I can keep my feeling for her inside and act like a friend for a long time. I hated being like this and pretending to be her friend when I have tons of feeling for her within me.

'This is it Shubman,  propose her'  I mumbled to myself.

I reached home and had a quick bath and got ready for dinner. I wore a black t shirt with a leather coat and a pair of blue jeans.

Whenever I wear this coat I feel like, if Zaara feels cold I'll give her this coat and help her. But guess what, that never happens. She wears a fur coat herself. My bad.

I quickly got out if the trance and stared driving towards Zaara office.


Hey guys, how you all liked this first chapter. More interesting chapters are coming up with lots of twist and turns.

Pls dont judge this book with the first chapter as its just the start. The book is going to get hell lot interesting.

I'm writing the book for the third time since the previous book was unfortunately deleted due to a technical glitch.

Kindly recommend this book for others to read.

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