13. shub's Birthday

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"Ten..... Nine.... Eight..... Seven..... Six...... Five...... Four...... Three..... two.... One.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHUBMAN" Zaara, Abhay, Kriti shouted in unison. Its 12 am. It's my birthday.

"Thank you all" I said and hugged each one of them.

Its time to cut the birthday cake. Said Zaara placing  the cake on the table.

We all surrounded the table and the candle placed on the cake was lit.

"Okay, before blowing the candle, wish something shub" said kriti.

I closed my eyes, ' Dear god, you have blessed me with things which I never imagine I'd have someday. Thank you so much. And one thing I wish is Zaara. I want her all my life beside me as love of my life till my death' I wished in my inner voice.

I opened my eyes and blew off the candles while others clapped. I cut a piece of cake and fed it to Zaara. She kissed on my cheek and fed me with a morsel of cake.

Then I fed the cake to Abhay and Kriti too.

"Let's start your Birthday with a bang shub. DJ, music please." He said and dj starte playing music. We all started dancing our heart out. What else I need when i have Zaara with me.


~Saturday Evening

yesterday night I stayed with Zaara at the hotel where we celebrated my birthday.

Now we are heading for dinner. We got ready. I was about to get into the car, but Zaara interrupted "Shubman, today we will go by your bike"

"Are you sure?" I asked closing the car door.

"Yup" he nodded.  Okay. I fetched the Bike keys and we started towards the destination.

I drove the direction,  zaara told. And we reached a resort. We entered the resort rooftop , I was astonished to see how the place was decorated.

The roof top of the resort was beautiful decorated with led lights  and red roses.

"Thanks zaara, Its beautiful" I kissed her temple.

We walked and sat on the table which was set beautiful on the top edge of the rooftop surrounding by only  glass.

"Here is your gift" zaara handled me a big box.

I unboxed it and found a watch box. I open to see Rolex748 limited edition watch which I wanted to buy. I removed the watch which was wearing and wore the watch she presented me.

"You like it?" She asked.

"I love it" i replied honestly.

"Shubman, give  me you hand" she said.

I gave her my hand and she held my hand and slid a diamond ring on my ring finger.

"Zaara this---"

"I bought this on the profit I earned for all these months shub. You were with me, when I was low, when no one believed me, when I was literally zero with nothing in hand. So now I have everything and so I wanted to present you this. Always have this with you. You are my everything shubman. I love you" she said.

"I love you too" I hugged her.

"Wait something else is there in the box" she said and I looked into the box.

There was a small wooden box. I opened it and saw a keychain, it was rectangular in shape and, "DRIVE SAFE, I'M HERE WAITING FOR YOU AT HOME
-YOUR ZAARA" was inscribed on it.

"Shubman, I have seen you driving fast. Ans I dont feel it's safe. Please take care yourself and drive slow. " she said.

"Okay" I kissed her again and attached the keychain to my bike keys.

Then we had dinner while the violinists were playing romantic hindi songs.

I feel complete when I'm with her. She is my everything. I cant imagine her life without her. She had become my everything. I want her till my end. All I need in this world is ZAARA. My sunshine.

After we finished our dinner, "shall we leave?" I asked 

"Yes" she said holding my hand.

We got onto the bike and started driving back to home.

"How was your day shub. Did you enjoy? "

"I loved the day baby." I said while she hugged me from behind. I'm so happy. The scenario, me and zaara, bike ride, night time, moon light, cold wind hitting us. Everything is just perfect. And my life is perfect. I smiled.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in front of me. I was unable to see anything. Within I could realise what was happening, a huge truck hit us with a loud noise.

We fell down, I was unable to move. All I heard was Zaara's scream which echoed through the night winds. I opened my eyes and saw her lying down in a pool of blood.

"Zaara...." I was barely able to say before I got unconscious.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital. Abhay was beside me.

"Shubman" he said. All my thought was only about Zaara.

I tried to sit but mu back was paining severely.

"Shubman, calm down. You're fine." He helped me sit.

"Where is Zaara. Is she fine?" I asked him.


"Tell me abhishek. Is she fine???" I yelled.

"She is dead, shubman"



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