27. Proposal

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~ After a week, at Colombo, Sri Lanka


I called the Event Manager to recheck if everything is done right. Once I got an affirmative answer from him, I hung the phone and we have to be there in 10 minutes for the things to go as planned. I checked myself once before the mirror and started walking towards Shubman's room.

I'm so nervous and excited. Its going to be a big day today.  I'm going to propose him and its Birthday today.  I just couldn't resist to see the reaction on his face when I confess my feelings. Hope everything goes well.

I knocked his room. To my suprise it was left open. "shubman" I called out walking in. I was shocked to see shubman with tearful eyes sitting on his bed looking into his phone.

I rushed towards him.

"What happened shub?" I asked taking his face in my palm.

"Zaara" he said looking into his phone which displayed a picture of him and a beautiful girl.

"who is she?" I asked nervously.

"My Girlfriend" he said which ripped my heart.


"She is  Zaara, my girlfriend" he repeated.

"But shubman, You said you don't have girlfriend"

"I had. She is dead." He said which was all enough to break me. My heart started racing.

"Its been one year since she is dead. She died today, on my Birthday Renu. And it's all because of me. I should have been careful that night. I love her. But she left me. I thought,  I moved on Renu. But in reality I haven't. " he cried.

"When our beloved ones leave us in a untimely death, it's a tragedy. But it wasn't  her choice.

She didn't leave me behind with just memories, but she had left behind a lot of stains and footprints. I was only able to wipe off the visible strains but not the invisible one.

Till now, When I ponder at the calender thinking that the day hold something important, later I remember its her mothers Birthday.

When I'm convinced that she is no more and I got over her, I get to find her coat when she left her a long time ago  , which makes my mind flood with our beautiful memories.

When someone brings her name in the conversation, I have learnt to smile masking up my pain behind that.

When my playlist is full of her favourite songs, I had to delete it all and add the songs we haven't sung together and danced together. Yet, I keep murmuring her favourite song all day.

There were time when we finished speaking  about everything under the sky, now in have heart full of things to speak to her but she isnt here to listen.

I cry over the little memories and convince myself, that she is no more and try to push them aside. But in reality I can't Renu" I felt like 1000s of knives stabbing my heart at a moment. I was unable to breath. I unable to see him cry. I have never seen him this vulnerable. I was searching words to comfort him but nothing really came up. I hugged him. Caressed his back. And let him cry all his heart, hoping that it will help him drain the mental stress and pain he is going through.

He broke the hug. "I need some time alone, Renu" he said wiping his tears off. I nodded and left the room.

I literally ran to my room and crashed on my bed. I cried my heart out. I should have never loved him. I should have asked him if he had any past relationships and if he is ready to get in a relationship, before I took this all way long and now I ended up in hurting myself.

I looked at the ring I bought for him to gift him after I accept my proposal. Fuck. I was so stupid. I cried.

My phone buzzed. I attended the call. "Mam, we are getting late" the event manager said.

"Cancel everything"


So yeah, it's a double update!!!!
Hope u liked this chapter! (Btw Please dont kill me for this chap)

And dont forget to upvote!

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