02. Proposal

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I reached her office and texted her. Within few minutes, I could spot her coming out. I got outside the car as she came towards me.

"Hey" he waves her hand and gave me a quick 'friendly' hug.

I greeted her back. And we got into the car and I started driving towards the restaurant, while zaara was damn busy in searching something inside her handbag.

"What are looking for?" I asked, "shall I turn on the light?"

"Got it" she said and tugged out a pringle's pack.

"Arreay we are going out for dinner, aren't we?"

"Till then, do you want me to starve, Mr.shubman gill" She said raising her eyebrows which made my heart do a backflip.

"Okayy" I said and shifted my gaze towards the road while suddenly she stuffed a chip into my mouth.

"I would marry pringle's if he was a person." She said eating it.

'So what, should I become a pringle's now??' I thought to myself.

"Then  I'm sure, you will eat you husband on the day of wedding itself" I chuckled.

She laughed.


We reached the restaurant. It was an old dhabha,  where I used to come when I was young. It's my favourite spot. Its located on the outskirts of the city so its usually not so crowded here.

We occupied our seats and ordered our food. A girl in her early twenties, came towards me.

"Shubmann, is it you??" She squealed.

"Yes, its me" I smiled.

"I'm your biggest fan of yours shubman. I love your batting. I watch all your matches and I run a fanpage for you. I love you so much shubman" she said in a single breath.

I felt genuinely happy to have such fans, Who love my professional side.

"Will you marry me shubman?" She asked suddenly which startled me. I have never had such an open married proposal. I wish I had that courage to propose Zaara. I looked at her. She was fuming. I decided to make use of that chance.

"Why would I say no to such a wonderful offer" I winked.

"Oh! Shub you are really funny!!" She laughed and added "Can we take a picture please??" She asked with puppy eyes.

"Sure, why not" I smiled.

She suddenly turned towards Zaara and said, "excuse me, can you please take a picture of us" handling zaara, her mobile.

"Yup" zaara said putting up her best fake smile.

Zaara stood up to click a picture and that girl suddenly hugged me. I was a bit shocked and later I placed my arm around her shoulder.

Zaara quickly snapped a picture.

"Thank you" the girl said and left 

"Hope you are enjoying Zaara" I smiled.

"Oh yeah! Obviously, why not!! And I think you should have gone with your fangirl  who love you so so much and willing to marry you right away!"

Oh! darling is getting possessive.

"I think I should have. She was really cute"

"Shubman!!" Said Zaara who was  burning me with her gaze.

"Chill zaara, I was kidding" I tried to console her while the waiter came for rescue.  

The food arrived after seeing the food Zaara switched to hungry mode from angry mode.


"Shall we leave shub. We are getting late"

"Zaara, shall we go for a walk?" I asked her holding my hand in front.

She thought for a minutes before agreeing. She held my hand and we both started walking between the thick trees.

"Zaara, this way" I said and took her to a lonely place.  That was indeed a beautiful place. There were no lights, still the place was glowing in moon light and the light of fireflies.

The place was filled with flowers and huge trees. We were in the heart of the forest.

"Shubman, this place is beautiful" she said looking around.

"Zaara" I called her, she turned towards me.

"Zaara, the day I met you, I never knew you were going to be so important to me one day. I never knew I will be unable to spend a day without your presence, I never knew I will be so crazy for you.

When we became friends, I thought I got an amazing friend, but never I thought I got my better half that day. " I said and went down on my knees and pulled out ring from my pocket.

"I love you Zaara." i confessed. 

She was taken aback for a while before replying, "Shub.... I need some time"


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