10. Dinner Date

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"You look gorgeous" I said honestly when I saw Zaara dressed up in a black one piece dress with golden lining which complemented her collar bone.

"Thank you. And you look great too" she said.

"So, shall we start?" I asked lending my hand forward.

"Yess, I'm so excited to go on my first dinner date." She said and held my hand.

"So, where are we going?" She asked, while we were walking towards the car.

"Its a surprise babe" I said.

I drove her to the Airport and we boarded our flight to Chennai.


"Its beautiful." She commented when she saw a farmhouse located on the seashore, before which I stopped the car.

I got out of the car and helped her to exit the car.

"Its our's" I said and I guided her the way in.

Zaara POV

The farmhouse was extremely gorgeous. Shubman guided me the way in.

We walked through the huge gates and entered a huge farmhouse.

"Zaara, follow me" he said and walked towards the left direction.

I followed him. While walking down the corridor I found a room which was locked.

"What room is this shubman??" I asked. "Nothing" he said and held my hand when I was about to open it.

"Is that something like the red room in Fifty shades of grey?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Actually, it's a store room. But if you want I can set it up like a red room" he winked. 

"No, thanks" I snapped. Then I followed him only to get awestruck to see a huge waves of water in front of me.

It's not a farmhouse. It's a beach house which had beach at it's back yard.

Shubman held my hand and walked me towards the water.

"Its beautiful" I said.

And also there was a white horse standing in the sea shore. "Is it your pet?" I asked

"Nope, I just thought, you'd like to go on a horse ride on the sea shore"

"Yes shub, I'd love to" I said and shubman called the horse rider to help me with the horse and I went on a ride. Then I got off the horse and we went for a walk hand in hand along the shore.

"Shubma--" before I could complete my sentence he interjected.

"I know you are hungry babe. Dinner is ready" he said. I really wonder how he always know what I wanted.

We walked down to the dining hall where the dinner table was set up beautifully.

I pulled out a chair for me. I thanks him and took my place. And served me all my favourite food and he took his place opposite to me.

We were speaking random things about our person lives, then shubman asked, "where is your family Zaara, I have never seen them in all these years"

"Oh, my parents are settled in Singapore shub. They both are doctors. I wanted to study MBA in IIM so I shifted to india"

"Oh, that's great" he said.

"Shubman, how does it feel being my boyfriend and why did you fall for me out of thousands of girls out there??"

"You are special, zaara. You never treated me as a celebrity. You have always seen me as who I am. And i feel special being around you. And most importantly, I Love you. Dont ask me why, I don't know the answer"


I was standing at the balcony staring at the moon, while I felt a warm pair of arms wrappings around my waist.

"I love you, baby" he said and kissed my sensitive area below my earlobe. I turned around. I looked straight into my eyes.

"Shubman" I whispered just before he crashed his lips on mine. We kissed eachother. It was filled with love and want. We pressed his body against mine and my fingers were running through his hair. We pulled apart for intake of air.

He carried me to his master suite and we started making out.


Will try to update as soon as possible.


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