25. Walk

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He pulled me closer and embraced me into a warm hug and caressed my back. "Stay strong" he whispered. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest.  All I could hear was his heartbeat.

We broke the hug after a minute which I wished would never end.
I wiped off the traces of tears on my cheek and looked at him.

"Smile please" he said. I smiled.

"That's my girl" he ruffled my hair.

"Hmm, shall we go out for a walk?" He asked after a pause.


We walked along the pavement enveloped in silence. It was a cold winter night. The breeze hit us with a gentle pace while we walked piercing through it.

"Feeling cold?" He asked placing his arm on my shoulder.

"Nope, I'm fine" I smiled. He nodded.

"So, you like this job?" He asked.

"I love it" I smiled looking into his eyes. "You like me? As a manager?" I asked.

"None would have pulled this out better Dan you" he said looking me.

"I'm glad". We continued walking until we saw a bench and decided to occupy it. I looked up at the sky which has twinkling star sprinkled all over it.

"Whenevet I Look, i feel, the sky is so high. Compared to the universe, we the humans are  nothing."

"Agreed" he said.

I felt his gaze on me. He gently pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek. I looked at his deep brown eyes.  "You are beautiful" he said in a base voice which made my heart pound against the ribs. We were looking at eachother. His mesmerising eyes, sharp nose, perfect jawline. He was just beyond perfect.

"Thank you" he whispered.


"Being there" he said with soft eyes.

"Shubman, I don't understand"

"I was having a really tough time and was going through a bad phase when you entered the life. Knowingly or not your present around me, your childish behaviour, your quirky nature helped me to move on. You help me to take my mind off the past. Thank you for being there" he said

I didn't knew what to say. "I'll be there for you, shubman" I promised.


~ back at hotel room

I have changed a lot. When my step dad threw me out, even I was going through a rough phase. The time between being thrown out and getting a job was miserable. I literally had - have no one for me in this world.  Yet, I'm happy now. Is that because of shubman?


Next day


So yeah, now me and Abhay are in sets for the shoot. We finished our shot and was walking back to our caravan. "Seems like acting isn't my cup of tea " abhay said.

"Its true af. Mr Sharma "

"So, how is life?" He asked while we crashed on the couch.

"Yeah going great" I said

"Have you moved on? " Abhay asked cautiously.

"I think yes" I answered after few seconds.

"I'm glad" he said.

"And shubman we are planning to get married" Abhay added.

"That's great abhay"

"Yes, me and Renu. We will have a great life"

"What?" I jerked. "Stop kidding abhay"

"Just look at you face" he started laughing. "Dont worry captain, I wont take away your manager "

"No, I was concerned about Kriti. She is like my little sister dont you dare to ditch her" I warned.

"I won't." he said. "We have planned our wedding in October."

"I'm so  happy for you". I'm genuinely happy. The guy with whom I have shared my sand box with, is getting married now.

"So, shall we leave?" someone said bargain in.


"You know shubman, abhay used to have crush on our English teacher at 8th grade" renu revealed. Making a funny face at Abhay which made me laugh

"You know shubman, renu was once given a dare to kiss our senior guy. Guess what, she kissed him in front his girlfriend, and they broke up because of this girl" abhay revealed as a revenge.

"I was a kid that time " she defended.

"And now?" I asked.

"I'm a matured young lady"

"You're always a kid for me dear" I said and Abhay hooted while Renu blushed.


Hope you all liked this chapter
I felt like this book kept revolving around shub n Renu ignoring other characters. So felt like bringing Abhay in.

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