26. Carnival

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After 3 months


I was sleeping on my bed while someone rang the bell. And I know it is. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Good morning Renu" I said rubbing my eyes.

"You know what shub, you are running your eyes, as if you have an extra pair of eyeballs at your desk" she said entering in.

"I wish I could" I chuckled and walked to the kitchen and she followed me.

"So, what's the plan today?" I asked while the milk started to boil.

"No ad shoots, no endorsements, no events nothing. Today, Its just you and cricket"

"Actually Renu, today is my day off. I'm absolutely free today" i said walking around the kitchen to grab the required ingredients.

"So what shall we do now?" She asked.

"May be, hang out together?" I said giving her a mig of coffee.

"Thanks for the coffee shub" she said.  I nodded.  Yes it's been a routine. Daily morning, renu come home and I make coffee for us. And have a small coffee time every morning and discuss about that day's schedule and stuff.

"Shall we go out?" I asked again. "Yes" she nodded.


After 15 long minutes of argument of where to go, now we are in a carnival.

"Shubman, cotton candy" renu said pointing her finger toward the cotton candy stall.

"Two big pink cotton candies" she said.

"Renu, I dont like it much. You have" i said. She nodded and grabbed hers and started eating it.

As soon as she was finished with hers, we stared walking towards the games session.

"Shall we play that Game?" She asked pointing towards the game counter where we are supposed to hit the paper cups pyramids with a plastic ball.

Before I could even reply she was there and bought two tickets for us.

She threw the ball first and only 3 paper cups fell. And when I threw the entire pyramid crashed.

"Wow shubman" she said with awe.

"Did you just forget that I'm a international cricket player?"

"Ofcouse yes. It would have been a greatest shame, if you didn't crash the pyramid. Just imagine news paper headline, Indian Captain shubman Gill, failed to hit the paper cup pyramids by standing 5 feet away from it" she started laughing.

This girl is definitely something.

"Okay okay, I didn't miss it. Stop laughing. " I said.

Then we again started walking towards nowhere. We played some more games before he headed to have our lunch.

We ordered our lunch and was waiting under a willow tree. "Shub, I need water, I'll go get it" she said and started walking towards a stall. She was about to cross the road, when a bike came so fast in the  direction opposite to her. I ran as fast as possible towards her and pulled her towards me before the bike could hit it.

I hugged her so close to me. My heart was beating against my chest so fast. She was scared and she hugged me tighter.

"you are safe" I whispered.

"Thank you shubman" she said.

"Please be careful. I cant afford to lose you" I said as we broke the hug. I was scared to the hell. I dont want that to happen again. I can't lose Renu.



Now it's around 7 pm and we are back home. I'm here in Shubman's home as he asked me not to leave before having dinner.

Lot of things have changed. I feel some connection between us. I feel happy when I am around him. And love the was he takes care of me.

Today when I was about to get hit by the bike he saved me and hugged me so tight. And he said that he cant afford to lose me. These things make me so happy and make me feel he loves me too.

Yes, I love shubman.


Hope you all liked this chapter.

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