12. A day with her

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- 3 years later

Shubman POV

I woke up when the alarm rang for the nth time. I rubbed my eyes while sitting up straight on my bed. I dismissed the alarm and opened WhatsApp to check Zaara's message.

Sunshine : Good Morning Babe. Have a great day❤

A smile paved its path onto my face when I read that message. It's been 3 years since we got into a relationship, nothing has changed. But life has turned much more beautiful.

I replied her message and went to take a quick shower. I got ready in 15 minutes for the practise session.

I walked down the stairs, to find mom and dad having their breakfast.

"Good Morning, mom and dad" I said. They replied the same.

"Join us for bresk fast shubman" dad said.

"No dad, I'm already late. See you later" I said checking my watch and quickly walking out to my car.

I drove to Zaara's residence and saw her walking towards the car.

"Hey shub" she said and occupied the passenger seat and gave me a warm hug.

I started driving towards her office, which is on the way to my stadium.

As zaara asked me before, we haven't made our relationship public yet. Even my teammates doesn't know about Zaara. And speaking about Zaara, she has started her own event management company and has been running it successfully for two years now. I'm so proud of her.

Currently, We both are in very important phase of our professional life now. She is busy developing her company and I have recently took the captaincy of the indian cricket team. We both are extremely busy and this 15 minutes travel to her office, is the only time we spend with eachother. We speak everything, we share everything during 15 minutes.

"Shub, yesterday I had meeting with Mr.Shukla. Guess what, the deal is done" she said happily.

"Wow, that's great baby. Congratulations" I said.

"Thank you." She ruffled my hair.

Then we spoke other things till her office arrived. She was about to get off the car, "shubman" she called.

"Are you free on Saturday. Shall we please spend some time together and may be go out for dinner?" She added.

"Why Saturday?"

"Arrey dumbo, it's your birthday. I want you to celebrate your birthday with me. Only me." She winked reminding we want I did last year 

"I'll check with my schedule and let you know zaara"

"Okay" she smiled .

Then I drove to the stadium and started with my batting session.


Its 8 PM now, and all my practice sessions, gym and team meeting got over.

So, I decided to visit Zaara's office and give her a sweet surprise.

I drove to her office and parked my car. I work my black jacked, coolers  and a cap so that no one would recognise me.

I walked to the reception, and asked if Zaara was free.

"Yes sir, she is free. You may go and meet her" said the receptionist.

I thanked her politely and went to zaaras cabin.

I slowly opened the door and peeped inside. I saw her speaking on her phone to someone standing nearby the window.

I slowed walked inside and hugged her from behind.

"Ok. I'll decide and talk to you later" she said calmly without freeking out and hung the call.

She slowly turned around to face me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Aren't you surprised?" I asked her with puppy eyes.

"I was. When I saw your car entering the office gate"

"Oh" I said disappointed. She pulled me closer and sealed her lip on mine.

"I love you, baby" she said pinching my cheek.

"Love you too, and One more thing," I said and she looked at me.

"I got off on Saturday. We will go for dinner

"Thank you" she said launching herself on me.



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