29. Coffee Time

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"So what would you like to have Renu?" I asked as the waiter aproached us.

"Hot chocolate" she said placing her phone aside on the table.

"One coffee and one hot chocolate" I ordered.

"So, how are you?" I asked while the waiter left.

"I'm good" she smiled. But she does not seem to be fine.

"Tomorrow is my engagement. You are coming right?"

"Yes, I'll be there Abhay" renu said.

"Btw, what's going on between you and shubman?" I asked her. Actually that's the main reason I asked her out for a coffee.

"I am his manager and he is my boss" she said childishly.

"C'mon renu. I know you both are very good friends and you both have grown so close to eachother in a short span of time."

"It would be a lie, if I say no" she replied.

"Why are you behaving strange when he is around you? He said you aren't speaking to him properly. " I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Abhay, that is...." she trailed off  nervously.

"Tell me Renu, why are you ignoring him? He thinks that you  are behaving this way with everyone. But the truth is you are not being yourself, only when he is around you. Which is definitely not fine. Did he do or say something which hurted you?" I asked.

"No Abhay, he didn't do anything" she said looking down at her hot chocolate.

"Then, why are you ignoring him Renu?"

"I'm not ignoring him but trying it stay away"

"What? Stay away? Why do you need to stay away from him?" I was totally confused.

"I just can't tell you Abhay" she snapped.

"Listen Renu, he has grown so close to you. When you are not speaking properly or not being yourself it bothers him a lot. So stop ignoring him. It hurts to see him getting hurt because of your stupid reasons."

"My reason isn't stupid Abhay" she snapped.

"Oh yeah, your reasons are always too matured right, like how you ignored him in New Zealand, just because Anikha told something. Right after the phone call, If you asked shub, who is Anikha, he would have told you. And you wouldn't have ruined his whole day."

"This time isn't like that abhay" she said in a distressed voice.

"Whatever your reason might be, he is my friend. He is as important to me as you. He has already been through so much in his life, I want him to be happy. So if you have any problem with him, go and speak to him. And I'm one hundred percent sure the can be solved." I said. I cant see Renu hurting shubman again and again. I can clearly see that shubman is happy when Renu is around him. Ironically, she is the making her happy and sad in the same time.

"I can't go and speak this thing to him just like that" she said in a low voice while her eyes teared up.


"Abhay please" she said looking at me with her tearful eyes.

I nodded. She is my friend too. I can push her only to a certain limit. It's her life and her wish. And I can't hurt her.

We finished our drinks and walked out of the restaurant.

"Thanks for coming" I said and hugged her.

"Renu, every word I spoke today is only because I care about shub. I did not want to hurt you with my words." I said as we broke our hug.

"I understand it Abhay" she smiled pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"And just because I spoke like this, don't stop yourself from coming to out engagement tomorrow. You must be there and I'll be waiting for you."

"Sure" she smiled.



Hope u all liked this chapter. This chapter is all about Abhay trying to make things find, so that his friends are happy. Isnt he the someone, we all need in our lives?

And how is This bonding between Abhay - renu. You liked it?

And what do you think? Will Renu, go and speak to shub, just like Abhay said or will she continue to stay away from him?

And do you want shub and Renu to get into a relationship??

And for those who dm'ed me asking how to pronunce renu's name, its pronunced as Ray-nuh.  Not Rinu or Reenu

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