23. Apologise

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Why the fuck did I react like that? Is the only question which I have been asking myself since I saw Renu's tearful eyes. I was walking to and fro the room, running my fingers through my hair.

"Why shubman? Why?" I asked myself. I was so rude. Abhay and Renu were in a relationship like literally a decade ago, now they are just friends. Why did I react that way?

But, what happened to Renu? Why is she ignoring me all if a sudden?

"Shubman" abhay called walking in my room. "So, are you done with your anger? Or shall I come some time later?"

I understood he was angry on me for behaving so rude and hurting her. "Abhay, I'm extremely sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way"

"What made you angry? He asked

"She is ignoring me since morning  and I don't know why. When I asked her she didn't give proper answers. So whe--"

"I don't know why she was ignoring you. But what you did today is extremely wrong. Go and apologise to her. Try to sit and talk and finish this problem today."

I nodded.

"And shubman, she has already gone through so much in her life. Be kind towards her. If I see you hurting her again, I swear I'll beat  the shit out of you"

I nodded

"Now , go and apologise" he said pushing me out of my room.

I walked to her room. I was ashamed of what I did and was feeling guilt to face her. After a minute, I mustered up my courage and knocked her door.

"Come in" I heard a shaky voice.

I entered her room and saw her weeping on her bed. As soon as she saw me, she stood up.

"Renu, I'm sorry"

"No shubman, I am sorry. I should have known my limits."

"Renu, listen. I was angry and I really don't know what got into me today. Whatever I said was all out of anger and nothing from my heart. Please forgive me" I said.

She kept looking at the floor.

I made her sit on the bed. I sat beside her. "Renu, look at me" I said. Obviously, she didn't look up.

I lifted her chin up with my index finger and she looked at me. "Why were you ignoring me today?" I asked.

"I was angry on you" she said wiping her tears.

"Why? Did I or say do anything wrong?" I asked confused.

"No, do you remember that you asked me to attend a phone call for you?"

I nodded.

"It was your girlfriend's call"

"What?" This is a hell confusing.

"Yes, she told me that she is your girlfriend. And asked me to stay away from you. She also she told me that, you told her that I was always clinging to you.

She also said that I am your manager and behave like one. And you told me the same words today. Why shubman? You could have just told me. I'd have stayed away from you." She started crying again.

I quickly pulled out my  phone from my pocket and checked the recent call list. It was Anikha.

"Renu, please dont cry" I held her hand.

"Renu, she is Anikha and I am single and I dont have any girlfriend.  I really dont know why she lied. But, please trust me I never spoke anything wrong of you to her. I promise.  And I like you so much Renu. Since you came into my life, my life had changed. And I love spending time with you. Please don't cry" I wiped her tears. She looked at me. Our eyes locked.

"Beautiful Girls should not cry" I said which made her chuckle. I gently embraced her for a hug and caressed  her for a hug. She hugged me back.

"Whenever there arises a situation like this, please come and ask me. Lets sit together and sort it out. Never ignored me. It hurts" I said while hugging.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

We broke our hug, "I'm sorry for behaving so rude"

"That's okay"

"If that's okay. Can you please smile  little? I dont like this crying renu" I said.

"These things are still running in my mind shub. I need some time" she said.

"Okay. So shall we go and have dinner?"

"I dont feel like eating anything"

"Then come and watch me eat" I said pulling her out of the door.


"What'd you like you have sir?" The waiter asked.

"A cheesy spicy chicken shawarma" I said knowing that renu's favourite is shawarma.

"For you, madam?" He asked looking at Renu.

"No, she is angry. So isn't eating " I said  before she could say something and the waiter left.

"You know what Renu, you get the best shawarma here" I said. She nodded an looked away.

Few moments later, the waiter returned with shawarma and placed in front of me. I noticed Renu looking at it. I look  bite.

"Aww, it so tasty" I said licking the  cheese off my hands.

"Shubman, give it to me" she said.

"No Renu, you are angry. You should not eat. So watch me eat this super tasty shawarma" I said and continued to eat mine.

"Shubman, I'm hungry" she said.

"No dear, you are angry not hungry"

"Shub, please stop playing yaar. Give it to me."

"Smile" I said. She smiled and grabbed the shawarma from me while I saw my coach staring at me for eating a super cheesy shawarma.


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