31. Do I love her?

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Renu loves me??? For the past two hours, I'm trying to take it in. I'm a hell confused. I never really knew that. I was distracted from my thoughts when Kriti called me.

"Hello shub"


"How is Renu now ? Is she fine?" She asked.

"Yeah she is fine. She slept" I said.

"What happened shubman? you sound dull."


"Tell me shub" she assured.

"Renu said that she loves me. And got to know that I still love Zaara and is trying to stay away from me"

"Oh" she said with any expression.

"Aren't you shocked?"

"No, because I already guessed it"

"So,What do you think about it shubman?" She added.

"I'm really confused. My mind stopped working since she confessed me"

"Shubman, do you really think that you still love Zaara and you haven't moved on?"


"No shub, its already been more than a year since Zaara left us all. And you have moved on. But you are not ready to accept the reality shubman"

"No Kriti--"

"Let me finish shubman" she interjected.

I hmmed.

"Since Renu came to your life, you have changed a lot. You are no longer the broken shubman. You moved on. Relax, stay calm and think about it" she said.

I hmmed and hung the call. Kriti's words really made me think. Have I moved on?

Yes, I have changed a lot since Renu entered my life and yeah I'm happy.


~Next day

We never know when we lose hair from our eyelids, in the same manner, I have moved on, without me realising it.

Even if I dont receive her good morning text, it's still a Good Morning. 

The moments with her which I engraved in my heart as the most cherished ones, were an open wound, now there have eventually  healed.

Our favourite books, our favourite movies always come to an end, likewise I realised everything had an end, so did my feeling for zaara.

I had broke down hundreds of times to shed her away since she left. And now I have moved on.

But, do I love her?


~8 pm

"what are we going here?" Asked Renu.

"Just come renu" I said and held her wrist and started walking towards the beach.

"What are we going here?" She asked again. As we stood in the seashore.

"I wanted to speak to you. And make things clear between us. That's why I brought you here." I asked as the waves of salt water brushed our feet.

"About?" Her expression turned serious.


"Shubman I don't understand"

I got closer to her and held her hand. "Do you love me, Renu?" I asked her.

"What are you speaking shubman?" She pretended to be confused.

"Renu.." I looked at her. Our eyes locked.

Her eyes teared up, "yes shubman, I love you"

I wiped her tears off, "I love you too renu" I said holding her face in my hands.

"Shubman?" She was shocked to the core.

"Yes renu, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked

"Yess" she said and we hugged. We never wanted to break this hug. I hugged her tighter.

After a minute, she looked at me, without breaking the hug, "but you said you still love her, you haven't moved on?"

"I have actually moved on Renu, but I was not ready to accept it. And I just realised it" I told her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, baby" I whispered.

"Love you too" she said and again buried her face onto my chest.

I love her, and I want her forever!


So yeah finally Shub and Renu together. 3-4 more chapters left. So keep reading and keep supporting.

And now who is your fav Shub - zaara or Shub - Renu???

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