21. Its Idly Vs Chappathi

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"Are you single?"

"Oh yes! I am single. I have no plans of cloning myself in near future either" I replied to the interview.

The crowd laughed hooting while I could hear some booing, which made me laugh.

I was looking at the crowd everyone was looking at me while only one human was extremely busy in completing her Shawarma, paying no attention to me. Yeah it's none other than Renu.

Now we are in Express Avenue for a product launch. I was onstage while she was having her Shawarma.

"It was wonderful chatting with you shubman. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time here. And all the best for your tour to England"

"Thank you" I said and got down the stairs.

Though the bouncers were there, the crowd was massive and they were struggling to control the crowd. I saw Renu struck between the crowd struggling to come to me. I quickly held her hand and pulled her towards me. Her face clearly showed that she was uncomfortable with the crowd. I placed my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. "We will go out soon" I whispered.

Then my car arrived and the bouncers opened my car door and I let Renu get in first and got into the car after her.

Soon the driver drive the car out of the mall. She sighed.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded.

"I must be one doing this right?" She asked.

"Doing what?"

"Safeguarding you from the crowd"

"Why so?"

"Because I am you Manager. It's my job. But the vice versa happened" she said looking at me pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Do you think that you will be able handle that massive crowd which the 12 bouncers couldn't?"

"No, but---"

"Renu, your safety stands in the first place for me whatever the situation maybe. So its okay" I smiled.

"Okay" she said and looked out of the window.

"By the way, what happened to your shawarma?" I asked.

"I left it on the table" she said.

"You could have brought that with you" I said

"When I saw you getting off the stage, I wanted to come to you. So I left it there. But shubman, if a person is giving an interview what will their manager do?"

"They will be with the event management team. And make sure that the things are going well. "

"Unlike me. From next time , I'll do the same" she said

"Okay. But Just be safe from the crowd." I said. "Are you still hungry? Shall we stop somewhere for dinner?" I added.

"No shub, I already cooked dinner at home"

"Oh, renu knows to cook?" I asked as I didn't expect that she'd know to cook.

"Yup, I know" she said, "shub, why don't you join me for dinner"

"I'll drop in some other day renu"

"No shubman, no. Today let's have dinner together"


"What is this?" I asked.

"This is Chicken Gravy" she said serving the Gravy beside the dosa on my plate. She sat across me and served herself.

Yes. We had a 4 minutes of argument while travelling back. I finally gave in. How could I say no to her innocent look?? Now I'm at Renu's home for dinner.

I took my first bite and looked at her. She was curiously looking at my face. "Its awesome. I mean it's really tasty" I said honestly.

"Thank you" she became very happy when my words hit her eardrum.

"I never knew dosa will go this well with chicken."

"That's why south indian food is always great. We have different types of food unlike your chapatis and kachodis"

"We too have hell lot of food other Dan chappathi and kachodi." I defended.


Hey guys, hope you all liked this chapter.

And I'm planning to change the title of the book. What do you guys say?? Is the current title fine or shld I change. If yes, do drop some suggestions. I'm totally confused.

And dont forget to upvote❤

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