28. Truth

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I took a long breath and decided the find out what happened. The only person who could help me now is Abhay.

I washed my face and applied some minimal make up, so that he couldn't find out that I was crying and went to his room. I knocked the door. Abhay opened it.

"Come in" he said and I entered and sat on a couch.

Abhay sat in front of me before he could say something I asked "who is Zaara? And how did she die?"

Abhay was dumbstruck and shocked. "How did you know about her?" He asked.

"Just tell me abhay" I shouted a bit as I was trying my level best not to cry.

Then he narrated the entire story which happened. He really loved her so much. And I didn't know how to react. A ball of pain formed in my throat. I quietly stood up and came put of Abhay's room and went to mine. And It took all in my to not cry in front of Abhay.

Now I'm cen percent sure that shubman is still in love with zaara and he does not love me. Till date he has seen me only as his friend and nothing more than that. Its better for both me and shubman to remain as friends. And I made up my mind that I should stop loving him.

And I need some time. All of a sudden I just cant stop loving a person with whom I imagined my entire life with.


Next day

I saw shubman having his lunch at the restaurant.

"Hey" I said trying to sound normal.

"Hi. Come sit" he said. I sat opposite to him.

"How are you feeling now, shubman?" I asked.

"Yeah, better"

"You never told me about her. Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to forget her. But, I just cant. I'm sorry. I troubled you yesterday".

"No, that's okay."

"Why did you come to my room yesterday? Did you come to convey something important? He asked.

"Nah, nothing shub. I just came to see you" I said. "And shubman, I need a break. I need some time for myself. I keep travelling, I keep working. I'm tired." I lied. I just want to not see him for few days.

"Okay Renu, take you own time." He said

"So, I'm going back to india"

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. I have booked my flight tickets and I'm leaving tonight" I said.

"Okay" he said."And Renu, you seem to he worried. Is everything fine?" He asked.

"Yeah shub. I'm fine." I said and I stood up to leave.


I looked at him.

"I'll miss you" he said. I just smiled .


After a week


I really don't know what's wrong with Renu now a days. She isn't being herself. She is not speaking properly with anyone. We were good friends and shared everything, but now everything between us have become purely professional. I even asked her multiple times but the only reply I got is "I'm fine, shub"

Now she is here beside me, working on laptop. "Had dinner?" I asked.

She hmmed in response.

I took the laptop from her and placed on the table. "Come here" I said. She shifted from the chair to the couch beside me.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked again. I cant see her like that. "Please, tell me. What's bothering you?"

"Lot of things have happened shub. I need some time to process and get it out of my mind" she said.

"Is there anyway that I can help you?"

"Give me time" she said. I nodded and backed off.


Hope u all liked this chapter

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