34. Pain

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I sat on my bed. The world was spinning. Shub's ex girlfriend is alive. I looked at the photo frame of me and shubman whichnqas clicked at the carnival. I threw the photo frame and it crashed on the wall shattering into pieces.

Nothing has been perfect in my life. But he was. My dad left when I was 4, my mom married a man, who hated me. She died and I was thrown out onto the streets with no money in hand. After being thrown our, I was homeless, jobless and hungry.  I have seen the darkest days. Those days, I had a little light inside me which made me believe that things are going to be fine.

But now, I'm completely shattered. My life turned the happiest when I was with shubman. I loved him. But his love has come back to him. He really loved her. I cried my heart out before calling him.

I called Shubman, after an hour,  "Hello, renu" he said anxiously.

"You marry Zaara, shubman" I said trying not to cry.

"Renu..? I can't. I love you, Renu" he stammered unable to believe what he just heard.

"I love you too shubman. I want to spend my entire life with you. I want to marry you and have children, but I would be the most selfish person if I do that"

"Shubman, I  know how much you loved her. You loved her so much and you still love her. And you know it right? We cant betray Zaara. Marry her, stay happy and start a new life shubman. You have been through so much in your life, you deserve happiness and someone like zaara" I said.

"Renu, yo--" I was able to feel the pain in his voice.

"I'm just Like a passing cloud in your life shub. She is your real love. And please change your number shubman. I don't want to get in contact with you again. And I'll resign my job. Let's break this"

I hung the call. That's the end.



The sun raised and in reality sets in. My life is a perfect example. I'm such a failure when it comes to love.

I still remember when Renu entered my life, I was in such a miserable state. I had lost all my hope and light. brought me the light. She cared me. She loved me. She was there for me.

But I'm here unable to do nothing. Nobody is ready to hear me.

When I saw Zaara today, I was so shocked and  deep down inside, I was happy too when I got to know that my dead girlfriend is alive. After all even I am a human.

But the thought of what my own family did to me, kills me from inside.

They just assume themself, I'm not fine because I just saw me dead ex girlfriend alive.

They assume themself, I'm ready to marry Zaara.

They assume themself, it's good for me if they lie to me about Zaara  condition.

They assume themself, that I have not moved on and still the same old boy longing for love.

It's my life. I can't run my life based on their assumptions. I'm a human with heart and blood who does have feelings.

I even tried to speak to zaara, but i I just cant and I really dont know what. I wish I could really get lost somewhere.


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