03. Miss Me Baby

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It's been a week since Zaara asked me for time. And she wants some time to decide, I'm completely okay with it.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Kolkata as IPL is going to start next month. So I decide to spend today with Zaara.

"So, will you miss me, baby??" I asked her sitting beside her on her coach.

She looked at my eyes, our eyes locked, she came closer and whispered, "No, baby"

"Okay, then I'm leaving. I'm not spending the day with the person who is not going to miss me" I said and pretended to be disappointed and got off the coach.

"Arrey, dont go captain" she pulled me back to the coach.

I pretended to be angry with her, "shub" she called. I gave no response.

She stood up and straddled on my lap with her leg of either side of my torso and locked her hands behind my neck. I was surprised initially but loved her move.

"Shub, listen to me"

"Hmm" I said and our gazes locked. I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear to unveil her face. She was beautiful.

I took her hand in mine. And I kissed her knuckles. "I love you zaara" I whispered.

We were lost in each other's gaze while silence enveloped us. We bent and our foreheads met.

I wish this moment would never end.

"Is there anyone at home?" Someone said knocking the door which distracted us.


Zaara immediately got off me, "the food has arrived" she said stepping away from me.

This girl and FOOD. I'm sure, if I ever caught myself in a love triangle with Zaara, the third person is obviously going to be food.

I held her hand.

"Don't go" I said.

"I won't" she smiled, before leaving to attend the call.


"Shall we go out somewhere?" She asked.

"Where shall we go?" I asked glancing at my watch. 4:16 pm it said.

She thought for a while and said, "I know an amazing place, where no one will be there to recognise you. Come let's go" she said.


We got into out car and she started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Secret" she whispered.

"You aren't kidnapping me right? Are you?" I gave her an questioning look.

"Oh, I thought, you will be okay with me kidnapping you Mr.Gill"

"Already you stole my heart, and now you are stealing me. That's okay"

"So cheesy" she said pulling my cheeks.


"Here, we are." She said after good long 25 minutes.

We came to a river bank. The place was completely empty. We could feel the breeze which spread the fragrance of the beautiful flowers which embraced the banks. The river was flowing gently.

"I love this place" I smiled.

"Really?" She asked and i was able so see the Happiness in her eyes.

"Yess" I nodded. She became so happy. She is really a kid at heart.

We walked towards the river. We played for sometime in the river water. And we sat on the river bank. We enjoyed the sunset together. The place was so calming.

Zaara got a phone call, so she excused herself and was speaking to someone. 

The loneliness remained me of everything. My heartbeat started to race as thought rushed through my mind. I started getting tensed up.

She came back within a minute. She sat beside me.

"What's wrong shubman" she said holding my hand as soon as she realised I wasn't fine.

I simply shook my head.

"Shub, feel free to speak to me. Tell me" she said cupping my cheek and making my look at her.

"I'm nervous. It's my first season as the caption of KKR. I want to perform well as a captain and make my team win"

"Shubman. Don't feel nervous. I know you can. I have seen you playing. You are a great player.
Don't overthink and pressure yourself.

Play your natural game. And I know you can give your best. A single season of IPL cant judge you shub" she look looking straight into my eyes.

"I know, you will give your best shubman. Remember, whatever has to happen will happen. But I'll be always there for you, with you through all the ups and downs" she said and hugged me and caressed my back.

I hugged her back. It was so comforting and relaxing. She know how to calm and relax me.

We broke the hug and she sat in my lap.

"Shubman" she called.

I looked at her.

"I'll miss you"





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