33. Lies and Love

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The door opened, "Hello shubman" said a voice cheerfully which I thought Im never going to hear in my entire life.

I looked up from my phone, "Zaara?"

"Yes, shubman. Its mee" she said and launched herself on me. She was so happy and excited.

What's just happenings ? Wasn't she dead? What's she doing here?

"I know you are confused ah hell, come in, I'll tell you everything" she said breaking the hug.

We both walked in and saw mom, dad having a conversation with Zaara's parents.

"Come shubman, sit down" said dad. I just did what they said as I was literally out of words after seeing a dead human alive.

"I know shub, you just me confused. Let me explain" dad said. And I nodded.

"When you and zaara met with an accident, you both were taken to the hospital. And doctor declared that Zaara was brain dead with no certainty of gaining her consciousness. And only a miracle can bring her back to life.

We knew shubman, how much you loved Zaara. If you came to know about Zaara's condition and minute possibilitiesof coming back to life, I'm sure you would have waited for her, your entire life, hoping that she will gain consciousness.

We were afraid shubman, there were possibilities that zaara might be in coma stage for years, and we didnt want you to wait for her you entire life and ruin your life.

So we decided to cover up to you that she is dead. And later if she gains consciousness, we shall tell you.

I'm so sorry shubman. But everything was for your wellness" dad said.

Each and every word struck like a thunder to me. I went completely blank. My heart was beating faster and faster. I didn't know what was happening to me. Anger risked through my veins.

"And Zaara had gained her consciousness now. So we have fixed engagement for you both tomorrow " announced Zaara's dad.

I quietly stood up and went to my room. I needed some time to process.


I'm really confused what's literally happening. The person who I was told to be dead is in front of me. The person whom I have been crying over for more than a year, is alive and no one cared to confess me the truth.

I deserved to know what happened to her. I really dont know how people were able to keep up this lie, even after seeing me go through so much in my life.

Its my life and I should be the one who should decide, should have wait for Zaara or move one and no one else has that rights over me.

I just cant believe that my own parents did this to me.

The missing her, zaara has come back when I dont really miss her now.

I was distracted from my thoughts, while someone knocked the door. And Zaara entered and locked the door behind her. She came near me and hugged me so tight. "I missed you so much shubman" she said and she fixed he face in the crook of my neck. I hugged her back. I missed her too.

"I'm so happy shubman. We are finally back together" she said kissing my cheek.

"Did you miss me? Did you really believe that I was dead?" She asked breaking the hug.

I nodded my head without saying anything.

"I know shubman, you would have suffered a lot without me.  Let's lead our lives happily from now on. " she hugged me again.

"I love you so much baby" she whispered.


"Hello shubman. I'm already missing you baby. When are when coming back" she said cheerfully

"Re-nu" I was unable to speak properly, I felt like my throat was stuck with a stake.

"What happened shubman? Any problem?" She asked

"Yes" I said.

"What happened shub? Tell me, lets solve it together" she said in a positive tone.

"Zaara is alive"


"Yes renu, zaara is alive" I said and narrated the entire story and about the engagement.

"I don't know what to do" I said

"Jus-t give me a minu-te" she said and hung the call.

Later she called me after an hour, "Hello, renu" I said anxiously to know what she is going to say.

"You marry Zaara, shubman"


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