19. Day 1 at Work

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I walked off the gym and checked the watch. Its 8:06 pm. I reached the parking lot and found Renu busily speaking with someone on phone. I waited for her. As soon as she saw me she signaled me to wait for a min. I nodded my head and waited for her in my car.

After 2 minute, she hung the call and got onto the passenger seat and sat beside me.

"So shub, I was speaking with the company advocates to whom you have signed contracts with. You have signed contracts with total 3 companies and one company decided to withdraw the case if we pay the fine. But other companies are very firm that they need you to endorse their products, so only you accept to be their brand ambassador they will withdraw the case against you" she said in a go while I drive off the gym.

"Fine then. We'll pay the fine for one company. And I'll endorse the other two"

"Okay shub. It will be nice if you'd share your schedule with me so that I couldn't arrange for the photoshoots and events when you are free"

"Fine" I said.

I dropped Renu at her residence and  drove to my residence. Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day.


My phone went off disturbing my sleep. I opened my eyes with great struggle and glanced at the wall clock which hung right in front of me. Its 4:45 am who is going to call me at this time. I wondered. I looked at my phone, "Renu" was displayed over it.

I swiped over the screen, "Hello" I said.

"Good Morning " she said.

"Did you call me this early just to say good Morning?"

She chuckled listening my words and replied, "Actually No, you have a ad shoot today at 5.30 am. So I need you to get ready in 15 minute"

"What?? You should have told me earlie, Renu" I whined

"Shub, just now they informed me. Seems like there is a sunrise shot. So they need you early morning"

"Why cant they shoot it during sunset?"

She chuckled again, "they aren't as intelligent as you skipper"

"Right" I smirked.

"Okay, enough if chit chatting, go get ready" she said 

"As your words madam" I replied.


"Lights Camera Action" said the director.

I was standing by the window and having the empty cup of coffee, when Tanvi, my co- artist walked and slowly hugged from behind. I placed the coffee behind and held her hand and bought her in front of me."

"Shubmann, chemistry shubman, chemistryyy" the director interrupted.

I looked at him.

"Breakk" he shouted and stormed out of the room.

I went to my caravan and Renu followed me.

"You seem to be disturbed" she said.

Yes, obviously I was. When she, Tanvi comes close to me. I don't feel comfortable. I want my Zaara. And I miss her. "No, I'm fine" I replied.

Renu, gave me a glass of water. I drank it. "Relax" she said and smiled.


Finally after 2 good hours after multiple takes the scene was shot from behind so that only Tanvi is visible. Dont take me wrong. I'm a cricketer not an actor to act keeping all my personal stuff aside.

"Pack up" said the director which made me the Happiest.

I was driving back home, then I realised we haven't had out breakfast yet.

"Renu, have you had your breakfast?" I asked.

"No" she said.

"Shall we go for breakfast?"

"Will that be fine?"

"Yeah, sure"

I drove to the nearby hotel and we ordered our food.

"How is your first day at work?" I asked keeping my phone aside.

"Its great. It's my first job. And I'm very happy with it" she said sitting right in front of me.

"I'm glad, you like working for me"

"I never expected that I will be working for my favourite cricketer"

"Oh, am I your favourite cricketer? You never mentioned before"

"Just now we started working together" She smiled, I reciprocated it.



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