16. Promise

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Abhay POV

I was sitting outside the ICU, nervously tapping my fingers on the steel handrest on the chair I was sitting on, while Shubman's parents rushed towards me.

"Abhishek, how is shubman, is he fine? He is safe right" Asked shubman' mom.

"Doctors are checking him aunty. He will be fine" I said her lowly standing up and giving her the chair.

"What happened Abhishek. How??" Uncle asked me. I explained him everything. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"uncle please calm down. He will be fine" I assured him.

Meanwhile the doctor came out of the ICU.

"He is fine now. He will be back to unconsciousness in a couple of hours. And he can discharge tomorrow" doctor said.

"Thank you doctor. Shall we go and see him?"

"Yes. But dont disturb him" he said.

We went in and saw shubman lying unconscious with a bandage around his wrist.

"Abhishek, thank you so much. Of you were not here today, we might have lost out son. Thank you so much" he said holding my hand.

"Uncle please. No need to thank. We all are one family. Aren't we?" He smiled and hugged me.


Shubman POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital. I sat up straight.

"Shubman" said Abhay walking towards me. "Are you fine now?"

I nodded.

"Take rest shubman. Dont stress youself" he said.

"Abhay, I didn't --" I started but was interrupted by Abhay.

"Whatever it might be shubman. Take rest. We will speak about it later" he said sternly.

"But listen to me-"

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" He snapped. He is literally fuming. If I'm not hospitalised now, definitely he'd have killed me right now. Its better not to speak anything and earn more wonderful words from him. I decided to seal my mouth.


Just now my parents left the ward leaving me and Abhay back alone together. He is still in the same monster mood. So I resisted myself from talking something to him and instead started to scroll through my gallery.

I was seeing random pictures while one picture caught my attention. It was picture of a drunken Zaara. Trust me drunken Zaara is the cutest.

The picture was taken the First valentine's day we celebrated together. We went to a party where Zaara got over drunk. She went on the stage and grabbed the host's mike and announced, "hello. One.. two... thr-ee... mike testing. Good mike. Look there. He is my boyfriend. Shubman Gill. Listen. No girl should look at Him. No girl should go and talk to him. He is only for me. Okay??? Hey!! You black dress, I'm telling you not to look at him, you are looking at him. He is mine. " she glared at that black dress girl.

"And shubman baby, I love you so much, my love for you is bigger than the solar system and galaxy. You are my sun, I revolve around you. I love you".

I remember the moment, she told everyone one not to look at me and how much she loved me. My eyes watered while my lips smiled.

I love you, zaara

Seeing my getting emotional, Abhay sat next to me and gave me a warm hug which I needed the most.

-Next Day

"Dad, please try to understand. I didn't try to kill myself" I tried to make my dad understand. Just a couple of hours ago I got discharged from the hospital now my interrogation has started.

"Then, how did you wrist got cut, my dear?" He asked Sarcastically.

"Dad, I was so angry on myself. So I punched the mirror and the window glasses. One of the glass pieces, cut my wrist accidentally"

"Shubman, I dont care for what has happened this time. What if Abhishek wasn't there on time? We'd have lost you beta. I cant even think of that. Please. Please think of us both before you take any decision" mom interjected.


"Promise me shubman"

"Mom, I promise that i wont take any wrong decision in my life whatever the worst happens. I promise"



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