17. Leave Punjab

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After 4 months

Shubman POV

Just now we landed on Delhi Airport. For the past one month we were in Australia for a test series and we whitewashed Aussies and won the series. It feels good to be to back to our own country.

"Shub, we are waiting for you" said kamlesh. We all are staying in  Delhi tonight and tomorrow morning we will be leaving to our respective homes.

"Yeah, coming." I said and boarded the bus and took my usual seat which was left for me unoccupied. I took my seat and plugged in my earphones. Butter was playing on my earphones while I looked outside the mirror.

"It's a busy world." I mumbled when I saw people rushing towards their respective destinations.


It was about to sleep but someone knocked the door. I opened it to see Abhay there.

"Hey abhay" I said moving aside to give him space to the enter the room.

I locked the door behind and walked and sat next to him.

"Are you happy?" He asked me looking straight into my eyes.

"Ye-s" I said

"No you are not. You are just pretending to be happy Shubamn" he snapped.

"Shubman look at me" he said and i did the same. "You are still not over her, right?"

"Abhay that--"

"Yes or no"

"Yes" I said.

"Already it's been 6 months shubman. How long are you going to keep thinking of her. Just move on"

"I'm trying Abhay. But I just can't"

"How can you move on shubman, when you  are locking yourself alone in your room and keep thinking of her. Remember. She is gone and she is not coming back"

"Come let's go have a drink" he said.

"Abhay no ple--"

"No. I'm not going to leave you alone. Come" he said literally dragging me out of my room.

I closed my eyes and drank the wine in a go. It helped.


~next day

I came back home a today morning. I relaxing in my room when my dad called me.

"Yes dad" I said.

"Come to drawing room. We need to speak something important" he said.

I was confused. 'What did you do this time shubman???!!' I asked myself. I walked to the drawing room recollecting the past to check if I did something wrong.

I saw dad seated on the sofa and he has a bunch of papers with him. "Come sit, here" he said. I went and sat in front of him.

"What's all these shubman?" He asked giving me those bunch of papers. My eyes literally popped out from its sockets after reading those lines. Those were legal notices. 2 - 3 MNCs filed a complaint against me for signing their project and not promoting it.

Shit. I checked the products and the company name I signed to endorse.  All these were signed before that accident. After that incident I didn't sign any agreement apart from cricket.

I looked at dad.

"Explain" he said.

"Dad, I signed these before the accident. After that incident, I never felt like attending an event to endorse or a photoshoot. So I didn---"

"So, what you must have done, shubman?? You should gave cancelled the agreement. Did you do that??" He asked sternly.

"No" I said.

"I'll speak with them and finish all the procedures to cancel the agreement" I added.

"Yes, do it." He said. "And one more thing. You are moving to chennai"

"Whatt?" Did I hear that right??

"Yes, you are still not over her. This place keeps reminding her to you. So go to Chennai. Stay there for sometime. Change of place will help you" he said.

I looked at my mom for support. "Dad is right shubman" she turned down.

"You couch Mr. Shikar has now settled in Chennai. So he can train you and help you if you need something" mom said.


"I'm very disappointed with their decision. I'm not interested in moving to Chennai. I'm fine here" I said.

"Shub, calm down. Take a deep breath. Now think of what your parents said" abhay said over the phone. I hung the call and did what he said.

They are right.


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