18. Manager

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Shubman POV

I landed in Chennai airport. I walked out of the airport and saw a man holding a board with my name printed on it.

I walked towards him. "Hello" I said.

"Vanakkam sir." He said carrying my hand luggage and a trolley. "I am Aravind. Your new driver." He introduced himself.

"This way sir" he said and started walking towards the direction the car was parked. We got into the car and started our travel towards my home.

"Sir" he called 

"Bhaiya, please don't call me, sir. You are elder than me, so please call me by my name" I said.

"Sir but ---"

"Bhaiyaa please" I said.

"Okay shubman." He smiled.

All the way, be explained me the areas we were passing by and about Chennai.

Finally we reached home after a good 20 minutes drive. It was a huge white villa, which was really huge for a single person to stay.

I entered and saw a bunch of people standing in from of me. They introduced themselves as watchman, house keepers, cook, gardener.

I spoke with them all for few minutes and headed to my room. I walked inside and crashed on it. I was so tried both physically and mentally.



I was peacefully sleeping on my room while someone rang the bell. I snuggled into my comfy bed more not wanting to get out of my precious bed. But the bell rang again. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. Its 7:02 am. I got off the bed and walked downstairs. The bell rang for the third time while I was walking towards the door. 'Who is it, at this time?'I wondered.

I opened the door rubbing my eyes and  saw a young women standing there.

She smiled.

"Hello shubman. Ug... shubman sir. I'm Rythvah. Your new manager. You can call me Renu" she said.

"What?" I was a hell confused. Dad, never told me that he appointed a new manager.  "Hello renu. May i know Who appointed you?" I asked looking straight into her brown hazel eyes.

"Abhay" she said.

"He didn't tell me" I said confused while correcting  my messy hair which nothing by my fingers.

"But he told me that he didn't tell you" she said.

"Whatever. Come in" I said and moved asked so that she could get space to enter my home.

"Sit here. I'll be back" I said to her pointing the sofa. And I told my cook bhai to give her a coffee.

I went to my room and called Abhay. He didn't pick. I texted him asking if he appointed her. I got  a reply "S" from him.

I again went to the drawing room, where she was.

"Renu, you can leave today. I'll text you tonight about the timing you need to come tomorrow" I said.

"Okay sir" she told.

"Just okay me, shubman or shub"

"Okay, shub" she smiled.

"Should I dress professional or anything casual is enough?" She asked.

"Just wear casual clothes. It'll be fine"

"Okay shubman. Byeee " she said jumping off the couch. I chuckled at her behaviour. Seems like she is a kid at heart.

"Bye" I replied .


I just came back after meeting my coach her. I was scrolling instagram and listening to Fire while Abhay called me.

"Hey shub. How is everything going?" He asked from the other side of the call.

"Yeah, going good. But I'm missing you all here.  I literally have no friends here"

"You will get new friends there shubman. And whenever you need call me. I'm always there"

"Stop making me feel like a 3 year old kid going to a kindergarden school on the first day" I laughed.

"Okay, how is your newly appointed Manager?"

"Before that, why didn't you tell me about her?" I asked

"It just slipped off my mind shub. Tell me how is she?"

"She seemed fine. By the way, do you know her for a long time?"

"How did you know that?"

"She mentioned you as "abhay" not abhishek"

"She was my girlfriend during school time" he said.

"Whatt!!" I said sitting up straight in the coach as I was hell shocked because he never told me about that.

"Yes" he said.

"You never told me"

"We broke up shub"

"Why?? How come Mr. Romeo got break up?"

"Our class teacher caught us together in a cafe and she sent a complaint letter to our parents. I hope you know what'd have happened after that"

"I know" I laughed 


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