04. Kolkata Dairy

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I landed in Kolkata today morning. Zaara called me thrice since morning to ensure that I'm fine and not nervous. I loved the feel of being cared by her. And I love everything she does. But still I'm waiting for the day to arrive when she will accept my proposal.

My door bell of the hotel rang. I went to it reluctantly as I was tired coz if the travel and opened the door to see a young man at the door.

"Hello shubman, I'm Deepak, new team manager. We are glad to have you here. Hope we have a great season ahead."

"Hello deepak. And thank you" I smiled.

"So, as all the players have arrived, we have arranged a small party tonight. We would like you to join the party"

"Sure, I'll be there."

"Great shubman. Then see you tonight at party hall at 8 pm"

"Yeah sure"


~ At party

"The Kolkata Knight Riders is happy to have to all here. Without you players this franchise is nothing. We all have a great hope on you and we know we all can win the trophy this year."

"And congratulations and all the best to the new captain of KKR, shubman Gill. We are happy to have you as our captain shubman. And we know we will have a great season with a great captain. All the best" said the chairman of KKR.

"Thank you" I smiled while the others cheered.

Then we started chilling. I was chilling around with Abhay.

Yess, abhay has been traded to KKR in exchange of Rinku singh and Narine a couple of years ago. Since then, we have been having a great time playing for the same franchise.

"Hey shubman" called a sweet voice.

I turned around to see who it was, "hey" I smiled. The stood a beautiful girl in a blood red dress which complimented her.

"I'm Anikha. Fashion Designer and Daughter of KKR chairman."

"Glad to meet you, Miss Anikha" I said.

"I must say shubman, you look more handsome in real than in pictures" she chirped

"Haha, Thank you."

"And, Shubman. I'm one of the greatest fan of your batting. I adore your style and swag on field"

"I'm happy to hear that. And Anikha shall we catch again later" I said and excused myself as I saw Krithi coming towards me.

"Heyy Krithiii" I said giving her a friendly hug.

"Hey shub. Where is abhay?" She asked looking around.

"Dont you even ask me how I am?" I asked her.

"Shit. I'm sorry shubman. How are you"

"I'm fine. And you?"

"Yeah good."

"Abhay is there speaking with DK"

"Thank you" she smiled and walked away.

And yeah, Krithi is Abhay's Girl friend. They both are in a serious relationship for the past 2 years. Abhay met Krithi during a post match show.

Krithi was a there to present the award "Man of the Match" as she was the manager of the company which was our team's title sponsor. And on that day Abhay turned out to be the winner of man of the match. And they met on stage and eventually they both got hitched.

I adore them both. They had a perfect relationship. And they are my kind of inspiration to have a perfect relationship which held only love.

Love the word reminded me Zaara. She hasn't accepted my proposal yet. What's making her take this much time?

I walked towards the bar and ordered for one more glass of wine.

Generally, I dont drink much but the thought of Zaara not accepting  my proposal is driving me crazy. I know she has all the rights to reject my proposal but this wait is burning my nerves. I'm anxious. She is taking much time. Will she accept my proposal or going to friendzone me??

"Sir, here is your order" said the bartender.

My fingers curled against the glass of the wine glass.

Will she accept my proposal? Or am I going to be friendzoned?

I closed my eyes and drunk the wine in a go.


Hey guys hope u all liked this chapter.

This is a kinda filler chapter. To introduce Anikha and Krithi.

Keep reading and do recommend this book to others.


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