32. Hello Shubman

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I stopped the car in front of my home and we got down. It was heavily raining. Before I could open my umbrella, renu stared to play in rain. She was jumping in and out the small water puddles and got fully wet. She was  thoroughly enjoying the rain.

"Renu, you will catch cold. Come in" I said.

And she came back after playing for another few minutes.

"I need dress to change shub" she said as we enter home.

I gave her towel, my tee and a shorts. "You can wear it" I said giving those clothes to her.

"You change and come to dining room Renu, I'll see what's there for dinner" I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room closing the doors behind me.

After 15 minutes, renu came to the dining table wearing only my tee which was over sized for her and cover till her mid thighs.

"The shorts were too big for me" she told as she came near me.

"Okay" I said and pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. I stepped closer and she took a step away. I pinned her to the wall, I placed my arm around her waist while the other held her face. She wrapped her arms around my torso and pulled my closer. She bored her eyes into mine. And I sealed our lips together.

I loved our intimacy. Her warmth. The cold breeze hitting us through the window while it's raining outside. My life is perfect.


I asked her to sit and served dinner for her and myself.

In the past 7 to 8 months we gave had dinner many times but today it feels different.

"Shubman, when did you realize your love for me?" She asked as she put a morsel of food into her mouth.

"I was thinking of everything which happened since you came to my life, you remember in new Zealand, I scolded you at the lobby?"

She nodded.

"I scolded you not only because you ignored me, but also because you were with you ex boyfriend and I was possessive.

And also I realised how I always wanted you with me, no matter if I require my manager there or not.

And few days before when we went for a carnival, when I saved you from the accident, I felt like you are my whole world. So there are many instances like this, that said I loved you and always wanted you with me.  So I realized that I love my little Renu" I said.

She blushed.


"Its bed time" I announced.

"So what are we going to do now, Mr.  Handsome?" Renu asked naughtily straddling over my lap, kissing me. She slowly unbuttoned my shirt.

"So, are you ready for it?" I asked. She nodded.

I lifted her in bridal style and took her to my bedroom. And we started making out.


~next day

My phone rang waking me up from a peaceful sleep. I opened my eyes and saw Renu in my arms. I kissed her forehead and checked my phone. Its dad.

Renu woke up while I was speaking with him.

"Who is it?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Its dad" I said cuddling her. "He wants to meet me today. I have to leave to punjab" I added.

She kissed my cheek, "I'm so happy shubman"

"Cuz, I'm leaving to Punjab?" I asked faking a frown.


"Okayy, sorryyy"

"I'm happy shubman. After a very long time. I want you forever and I love you"

"Love you too" I whispered.

"Btw, when are you leaving?" She asked.

"Today?" She frowned

"Yes baby"

"Okay, come back soon. I'll be waiting for you" she said.

"Seri, Rythvah Venkat" I replied.

"Seri, shubman Gill" she said.

(Seri means okay in Tamizh)

"Before that..." I started kissing her again and we had one more round of sex before I leave to Punjab.


I reached home in Punjab and rang the calling bell.

"I reached home, renu. Already Missing you❤" I texted Renu while I was waiting the door to open.

The door opened, "Hello shubman" said a voice cheerfully which I thought Im never going to hear in my entire life.

I looked up from my phone, "Zaara?"


Fee of you said that you were missing Zaara and love shub with Zaara more than Renu. So I bought her back!


And vote people!!! It means a lot to me!

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