05. High

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~2 months later

Shubman POV



"Didn't she accept your proposal yet?" Asked Abhay stirring his all time fav mojito.

I nodded my head sideways. Now we are in Hyderabad as day after tomorrow we have KKR vs SRH. We are just 3 matches away from finals.

"Dont you think she is taking too much time?" He asked in a serious tone.

"I really love her Abhay. I can wait  for her how long she wants me to"

"But, shub what if she says 'no'? Will you be able to move on?" He asked carefully

I heart started to pound against my chest when his words hit my eardrum. 'What if she says, 'NO'?'

I love her so much and I know she has got all the rights to say No. But, I don't think I will be able to get over her easily. I cant even imagine someone else in her place. I want her to be mine.

I fell for her. I loved her. And I love. Each day only  more and more.

"Shubman" he called which broke my trance.

"Dont stress up yourself shubman. Just one thing. Be mentally prepared for everything. And dont overthink too"

I hmmed in response.

'What will I do if she says no?? Why is she taking this much time??' These kept running through my mind.

"Hey guys" said a familiar voice.

"Hello anikha" said Abhay. We three have become a very good friends in a short span on time.  Anikha is really a good person I must say.

"Actually, I came to invite you both to a Birthday party" she said.

"Whose Birthday party??"

"Actually today is my friend Shraddha's birthday. And she is big big fan of you both. So, if you both join the party she will be extremely happy"

"Oh, but I promised to take Keerthi out for dinner tonight. So I won't be able to join you for the party"

"Oh" she said.

"That's okay. I'll come" I said.

"Are you sure??"


"Then okay shub, get ready by 8 pm"


~8 pm [At Party]

We reached the club, where the party was being held. I pierced into the crowd.

I followed Anikha as I didn't know a single soul there except Anikha.

"Heyy shraddha" anikha said and opened her arms to hug shraddha, the birthday girl.

But when she saw me, she was dumbstruck and she pushed Anikha aside and came towards me which made me chuckle.

"Omg, I just cant believe it you shubman. I'm your biggest fan shub" she said and launched herself on me for a hug.

After a moment, She broke the hug and she was still she was unable to believe. Sometimes I feel happy that I make some people happy by some means.

"Okay shraddha, you go and attend other guests. I'll take care of shubman" Anikha said before shraddha started to say something.

"Seems like someone is super possessive here" said a stranger from the crowd.

Though we both are friend, people already started shipping and assumed there is something cooking between us. Which is not true.

Then we walked to the bar.

"What'd you like to have sir" he asked.

"Give me something non-alcoholic please" I ordered.

"Set of shots please" anikha ordered.

She started drinking while I drank my Mint sparkle.

Then some people spotted me and asked me for selfie which I gladly agreed.

We moved aside to click few pictures. Then we got engaged in talking about cricket and other general stuff.

Few minutes, later I came back to the spot where Anikha was drinking. She was already high.

"2 more shots please" she blabbed stumbling.

"Anikha, its enough" I said and held her arm to balance her.

"Then only three  no no four more shots please" she cried making puppy eyes.

"Look you are already high. Come let's go" I held her hand.

"One more shot please shubman" she said pulling me towards the bar. She was not in the state to understand what I say and behave properly.

"No" I said and took her to the entrance. She was stumbling. So I put my arm around her waist for balance and called the driver.

He  quickly arrived and he drove us back to the hotel.


Next day

I was getting ready for the practice session. My phone rang and displayed, "Zaara🔅" on it.

She generally doesn't call me this earlier and today being Sunday I know  she will be off bed only by 10 am. But what made her call me this earlier?? I quickly hit the attend option and held my phone over my ear.

"WHATTT THE HELL IS GOING ON SHUBMAN!!!" She shouted on the other side.

Before I could react Anikha barged into my room and said "I'm sorry shubman"


Hey guys hope you all liked the chapter.

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