22. Ignorance

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Now we both are in New Zealand for T20 series. Generally we cricketers don't take our managers when we are on tour but as I have some adshoots  and promotion event inbetween the series I bought her with me.

We checked in the hotel and took two room keys for the receptionist. I gave one to Renu and directed her towards her room. "Good night renu" i said.

"Good night"

"If you need something, call me okay? Dont hesitate" I said

She nodded and went inside her room and I headed to mine.


~Next Day

I was having breakfast with Renu and heard someone call me

"Hey shubman" I heard kriti's voice.

"Heyy" I replied.

"Hey Renu" abhay said and they hugged. "Its been so long, since I met you"

Renu nodded.

"And Kriti  This is Renu, your boyfriend's ex- girlfriend" I introduced Renu naughtily earning a glare from Abhay.

"Hey renu. Nice to meet you" kriti said and they hugged.

"That's my girls" abhay said placing his arm on both Renu and Kriti's shoulders earning a glare from both.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked Abhay.

"Nothing. Our practice session starts tomorrow. So today we got a day off"

"That's great"

"So, today shall we four hang out somewhere?" Kriti asked.

"May be to watch a film" abhay suggested.

"Yeah. Why not. What are you saying Renu?" I asked her.

"I'm in" she said.

"Fine, get ready in 30 mins and let's meet in Shubman's room" said Abhay and we all agreed.


~after 30 minutes

I heard a knock at my door. "Come in" I said.

Renu entered in a black off shoulder top and blue ripped jean. Her hair was left open and had minimal make up. She was dead drop gorgeous.

"You look beautiful" I said.

"Thank you" she said.

Meanwhile Abhay and Kriti entered my room. We were about to leave but coach came to my room to inform me about the practice schedule. I was talking to him and my phone which was on the bed went off.

I asked Renu to attend it and continued to speak with him.


"Who was ---" I was interrupted by Abhay. "Shall we leave?" He asked. We all nodded.

"Shall we go?" I asked Renu. But I received no reply. She simply followed Abhay out of the room.

I followed her locking the room behind me.

After 45 minutes of drive, correction after 45 minutes of Renu ignoring me, we reached the Mall. I tried to build a conversation with her and I terribly family.

We walked in the mall and bought our tickets. The best thing is   here people dont recognise us. we entered the theatre. I thought of sitting next to Renu but she sat beside Abhay and Kriti. I didn't expect this from her. Yes I was disappointed.


The movie ended and we walked out of the theatre. I checked the time. Its 2:03 pm.  "Did you enjoy the movie?" I asked her. She walked off.


We decided to have lunch at Chinese Cuisine after 12 minutes argument while renu decied to remain silent.

What's wrong with her? I wondered. Did I do anything wrong? She is behind herself around Abhay and Kriti  but she is ignoring me. What did I do? I questioned myself.

We placed our orders and the waiter said it will take 20 minutes for them to prepare. So Kriti and Abhay decided to go for a couple walk leaving us behind.

"Renu" I called her. She looked at me.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine" she said and looked back into her phone.

"Renu, I'm speaking with you."

"I already replied to you" she said.

"Why are you angry? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No" she said and looked back at her phone. She is getting on my nerves. I dont know why she is behaving this way. She has never ignored me like this.

I decided not to ask any further question. Her improper answers are making me angry.


We came back to our hotel and i didn't try to initial any conversation with Renu during our ride back to hotel.

We four were at hotel lobby. "So, how was your day Renu?" Abhay asked.

"It was great and I loved the film abhay" she said and I was able to see the Happiness in her eyes.

"Okay, catch you tomorrow. Good night" abhay said and they hugged.

I don't know what got into me,  I pulled them apart. "Shubman, what are you doing?" She asked.

"What are you doing Rythvah? Can you just stop falling over him? You are his Ex Girlfriend and not his girlfriend. He is hers. And Remember, you are my manager and behave like one" I said sternly .

"What the hell are you speaking shubman. It was a friendly hug. You are exaggerating things."


"Stop it shubman. You are out of your mind" he said.

I looked at renu. Her eyes were filled with tears. She saw me and rushed towards her room.



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