15. Loneliness

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~After Three Weeks


I woke up in the morning after the alarm rung for the first time. I checked my phone.  Though my brain knows that Zaara is no more but heart wants her.

I opened her WhatsApp chat. There were no morning messages. The last messages were, I sent her that I'm waiting outside come soon and she replied, "Wait, I'm coming". But I know there is no coming back. 

I miss her.

I threw my phone on the bed and went to take a quick shower. Then I joined my parents for breakfast. Still I'm not back to playing cricket. I'm not yet physically fit enough to start playing again.

"Good Morning, shubman" dad said.

"Morning" I replied dryly.

"Shubman, I have made your favourite breakfast. Have it" she said before kissing on my forehead.

My parents and abhay have been taking maximum effort to uplift my mood since we came back home. But nothing worked. I can't take her off my mind.

I was having my breakfast without any interest, "shubman, why dont you go and meet your teammates and come. If you go out, you will feel better." Dad said.

I quietly nodded.


I was driving towards the stadium where my teammates are. I was about to pass by Zaara's office. I know she is not here. But still my heart wanted to go and check if she is in.

But I stopped myself and drove to the stadium.  I entered the stadium and saw everything relaxing on the field. Their practice sessions got over. I walked towards them.

"How are you, shubman. Hope you are going well"

"Yes sir, I'm feeling good" I replied to my coach.

"Come back soon shub, we miss you on field"

"Sure" I smiled.

"Abhay shall we go have a cup of  coffee?" I asked wanting to speak with him alone. He quickly understood and we went to a nearby cafe.

"It feels so empty" I said when Abhay set the coffee in the table.


"My life, my life feels so empty with her. I miss her" I said stirring the coffee.

"Shubman, I know. Its difficult. But life has to move on. Isn't it? Whenever you feel alone or you feel like you need someone call me. I'll be there for you. I'm ready to help you in every way possible"

"Thank you abhay" I said.

"Shub, don't lock yourself in your room the whole day. Come out. Meet everyone. Dont think the same thing again and again. Divert yourself" he said taking a bite of his cheese toast. I nodded.

"How is your hand now shubman?" He asked.

"Yup. The bone got healed"  I said, "how is Kriti?" I asked him to divert myself.

"Yeah, she is fine." He smiled.

Then we spoke about random things for about one hour and we left the place.

I was driving towards my home, but I stopped in front of Zaara home. I wanted to go in. That's place holds a hell lot of memories of us. Only Us.

I entered the home with the spare keys I had. It was empty. I heart stared accelerating. I walked into her bedroom. Every fucking thing held a memory. I felt her aura around me.

Her used wet towel was lying on the bed, which I told her 100s of time not to do. Her bangles were scattered on her dressing table. There were lot of dress of hers lying around. I know she tried lot of dresses before finalising one to wear on my birthday.

I eyes teared up.

"Where are you Zaara? Why did you leave me?" I shouted and pushed the lamp onto the floor.

"I waited 3 years for you. But cant you wait and hold on your life  for 10 more minutes to reach the hospital so that you could be saved??"  I pushed all the things on the dressing table on the floor.

I looked at myself at the mirror. "Its my fault" I muttered.

"I was the one driving the bike, I must have been careful. Its my fault. If I was careful that time, the accident wouldn't have happened and you would have been alive today. It's my fault zaara" I hated myself. I didn't like to face myself. I punched the mirror and shattered  it into pieces. The mirror pieces pierced my hand and it started bleeding.

"It my fucking fault" I punched the glass on the windows and broke them into pieces.

Abhay Pov

I was playing with amara while aunty (Shubman's mom) called me.

"Hello aunty"

"Hello abhay. Is shubman with you?" She asked panicked

"No aunty. He was with me. But one hour back he left to home. Hasn't he reached yet?"

"No. Abhay. Please check him out. He isn't picking up the call too"

"Sure aunty." I said and went to search shubman.


"Where are you shubman?" I said resting my head in my car's steering.

I dont know where he is. I have searched him in all the places he would go. When we met he was so depressed abput zaara's dismise and now he is  missing.

Wait, he was speaking about Zaara. He might be there. I quickly rushed to Zaara home and found the door was open.

"Shubman" I called him out while entering.

"Shubman, are you here?" I said and entered the bed room. My heart skipped a beat to find him lying unconscious on the floor beside a pool of blood.


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