35. The Missing Her

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~Next Day


I tried a lot to speak with my parents to call off this engagement but none was ready to listen me as they were too busy I'm arranging my engagement.

And now, I'm on the engagement hall, standing on stage with Zaara. I felt like I was standing on fire and never felt so useless in my entire life like this.

"Shubman, see who has come" abhat said bringing someone to the stage near me. it was Renu. Our eyes locked. My heart started beating wildly. I was able to see nothing but her. I could clearly see her eyes tearing up. She wiped her tears before anyine would notice and walked towards us.

"Congratulations, shubman" she said and put her hand on front of me. I held her hand. We shook our hands. Our eyes locked. The pain in her eyes narrated how much pain she was going through. I felt my blood rush through my veins.

"Congratulations" she said looking at Zaara. Zaara looked at me. "Oh this is Renu. My--"

"Manager" Renu completed.

"Oh, hello Renu. I'm glad to meet you" she said.

"My pleasure" renu said.

Renu got off the stage and exited the engagement hall within few minutes.

The next guest came and said something to me, which I was unable to pay attention. Renu was my only thought. I love Renu.

I wanted to do was, to shout out loud to the world saying I love Renu and I don't want this Marriage

"Sir, please smile" said the photographer.

"Smile shub" zaara said holding my hand. But I just couldn't.

After an hour "Its time to exchange the rings", Mom announced and the rings were brought to the stage. Mom gave me the ring. Before I could do Zaara interjected.

"Shubman" zaara shook me. "I need to talk to you"


"Yes" she said and we walked to the adjacent room which were allotted for us to get ready.

"What happened shubman? You are not like before. You are not being yourself. Initially I though you were in shock of seeing me alive. But now I feel like you aren't interested in me" she said.

"Yes, I'm not interested in marrying you" I shouted. All my frustration, anger, pressure and pain made me shout. The poor Zaara was startled.

I took a long breath. If it's not now, then never. "Yes, zaara. I don't love you anymore. I have moved on and I love Renu now" I confessed. And narrated her the whole story.

"I'm extremely sorry. This would have hurted you so much and I know this is a lot for you to take" I said.

"Why did you tell me earlier?" She said as tears rolled down her cheek.

"None of the soul here was ready to listen. No one bothered to neither ask not listen to me"

Before zaara could say anything, the door flung open. It was Abhay.

"Just now, kriti told me. Are you in love with Renu?" He asked.

"Yes. I love her" I said.

Zaara wiped her tears off, "I must have asked you before shubman, if you are interested in marrying me. I was a fool and thought that you are my boyfriend and you loved me so much. I thought you would be very happy to see me alive and marry me. I loved you so much that I never thought that you could have moved on and found someone else. It's my fault. I shouldn't have gained my consciousness."

"You don't love me anymore shubman. You have moved on and  You love Renu now. You have to be with her. She us the one who showed you light and a new oyee of life. She is the right person for you shubman. Let's call off this engagement." She said

"Zaara, are y--"

"Yes, let's call off this wedding. And leave" she said.

"Go shubman. Go get your love. I'll speak to your parents and handle the situation" abhay said.

I tried calling Zaara but she didn't attend the call.

"She must have boarded her flight back to Chennai. That's why she isn't attending the call." Abhay said.

I check for the flight tickets and they were no straight flight from punjab to Chennai. So I boooed connecting flights and left the engagement hall immediately.

I reached Chennai and took the car keys from my driver who was waiting for me in the airport ams drive fast towards the renu's residence.

I just cant control my excitement and I so eager to watch Renu's expressions when I say u called off the wedding and I love her the most. She'll be very happy.

I parked the car and literally ran towards to door unable to control my excitement and Happiness. The door was open and I went to her bed room.

My heart skipped a beat. My whole world got blank. I was unable believe what I just saw.

There was Renu on her bed, lying dead beside a pool of blood with her wrist cut.

The End

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