08. I said 'Yes'

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Shubman POV

I  was really in a bad mood. After receiving my orange cap, I went to the dressing room. Everybody consoled me but I wasn't satisfied. I know winning and losing is a part and parcel of the game but I was unable to handle this. This is such a big game and the win was so close. I would have chose someother shot. I came to my room and crashed on the bed.

Someone opened the door. I knew it was Abhay.

"Abhay, can you please leave me alone for sometime" I said.

The footsteps came closer and closer and held my hand. It was Zaara. I looked up at her.

She gently sat beside me and corrected my super messed up hair.

"Its okay shubman. I know you did you best" she said looking into my eyes.

"Trust me, you were amazing tonight." She gave me a assuring look.

"But we lost" I said looking down.

"Shubman look at me." She said but I didnt. She repeated. I looked at her.

"Winning and losing is a part of the game shub. It's okay if you lose, the hardwork and dedication matters"

I hmmed.

"Zaara, shall we talk tomorrow. I'm not in the mood to talk." I wanted silence.

She hmmed and left the room.

I really couldn't read what's going on in her mind. Is she really treating me as a friend or does she like me??

She had never came before to watch me play live to the stadium before though I invited her. But today she came uninvited which made me extremely happy and feel good. But is she going all these bad a friend or?? She is totally unpredictable.

Soon  this thought was overpowered by the thought of losing the finals. 'Fuck' I mutter and buried my head into the pillow.


~After two days
8 pm

Today morning I travelled back to Punjab and currently I'm at home trying to forget what has happened.

"Shubman" I heard someone call me. Its Zaara.

"Shubmannnn" I turned around.

"Hi" I said.

She pushed me into my room without responding.

"Arrey, when did you developed this habit of pushing me inside the room" I asked.

"Just go and get ready. We are going out"

"Where??" I asked.


"Then what should I wear" I said to decide what to wear as I should dress according to the ambience.

And zaara was dressed in a beautiful beige colour one piece dress while hugged all her curves perfectly.

"Wear something casual. May be a white shirt with black jeans will do"

I quickly got ready and she drove me to a familiar place. She parked the car and walked me towards the exact place where I proposed her. My heartbeat started to race. What's is going to tell now??

She turned towars me.

"Shubman" she held my hand and continued, "Exactly today, 3 months ago you proposed me right here. I knew that I liked you but I was not sure if I was in love with you. I wanted some time to realise it. So I asked you for time. Those three months were really crucial shubman. We both were struck somewhere inbetween love and friendship.

I had a lot to think. If we will be able to adjust to eachother'd life. Will I be a perfect better half for you? Will I be able to adjust to the limelight I get when I become you girlfriend.

But then I realised I was when I missed you so much when you when to Kolkata, I realised my love when I longed to see you everyday , I realised my love when I shouted at you, when I saw you picture with Anikha.

And moreover, I understood how much you loved me in these 3 months. If there was someone else in you place, he wouldn't have waited for me all these 3 months. But you did, because you loved me.  I realised everything.

I'm extremely sorry for making you wait. And I love you shubman. Will you be my boyfriend? "she said in a go.

I always wanted her to accept my proposal but never in my wildest dream I thought that she would propose me back.

"Yes" I said. We hugged.

And the whole place started to glow.

We broke the hug and I looked at her. I pulled her closed and wrapped my arm around  her waist and my thumb caressed her cheeks.  She looked into my eyes. Our lips connected for the first time. It was all a I need you kind of kiss. She ran her hands through my hair. We kissed passionately. We broke the kiss after few seconds for some intake of air. She was panting. I tightened the grip and pulled her closer and looked at the ambience.

All the trees were cover with golden lights and there was a dinner set up arranged few feet away from us, with wooden tables   , led lights, white curtains which looked amazing under the moonlight.

"Did you do all these for me?"

"Yes" she said, "did you like these?"

"I love them baby. How did you do all these?"

"Arrey, did you forget that I'm an event manager."

"Oh yeah." I looked around to have a glance at everything again. She suddenly gave me a quick kiss on my neck and said, "I love you baby".



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